- Scutellaria formosanan. 蓝花黄芩
- What is Scutellaria baicalensis Extract? 什么是黄芩的提取物?
- Scutellaria baicalensis and Cremastra appe... 01),其中黄芩、毛慈菇激活作用较好。
- Calocedrus macrolepis Kurz var. formosana (Florin) W. 摘要:台湾肖楠(CalocedrusmacrolepisKurzvar.;formosana(Florin)W
- Scutellaria barbata D.Don is a plant native to southern China. 半枝莲是南方常见的一种中草药,主要含有生物碱和黄酮化合物。
- The more steady ascendent tree species are Q. acutissima, L. formosana, etc. 稳定的优势树种为麻栎、枫香等。
- The present study investigated the phenology of Ficus formosana Maxim. 摘要本研究探讨关刀溪森林生态系台湾榕物候适应性的表现。
- Objective Increasing the liquid diaphanous, it contains Scutellaria Baicalin. 摘要目的:提高含有黄岑制剂的口服液的澄明度。
- Neonate larvae were fed leaves of Liquidambar formosana Hance and Cinnamomum camphora Presl. 本研究目的在探讨这两种水青蛾对枫香及樟树的取食及利用之情形。
- On the status of Liquidambar formosana Hance var. monticola Rehder & Wilson (Hamamelidaceae). 关于山枫香树(金缕梅科)的分类学问题.
- T his video presents the history and environment of Pleione formosana and how the name was coined. 缤纷台湾再发现第五集阿里山台湾一叶兰自然保留区介绍台湾一叶兰发现历史、命名由来、生长环境及周遭生态;
- Comparatively, the Liquidambar formosana and Acer buerqerianum communities are inferior in all these aspects. 枫香-桂花和三角枫群落的各项生态功能相对较弱。
- Optimization of root - tip pretreatment and karyotype analysis for Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. 黄芩根尖预处理方法的优化及其核型分析。
- That indicated litter adjustment of crown form for Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana saplings. 然顶芽优势参数在冠级林木间不具显著差异,表示台湾扁柏树冠形的调适幅度较小。
- Studies on the Nutrition Characteristic and Fertilization Domino offect in Scutellaria Baicalensis GEORGI. 黄芩营养特性及施肥效应的研究。
- The famous Pleione Formosana takes center stage as the cherry blossoms bow out of the scene. 当樱花谢幕、花季进入尾声,却正是一叶兰苏醒的时节!
- Scutellaria extractive: scutellaria extractive is the active component which comes from the desiccative radix of scutellaria belonging to labiatae. 我公司从唇形科植物黄芩的干燥根中提取的有效成分,可作为多种医药产品的生产商提供原料保障。
- A comparative karyotype analysis of Keteleeria cyclolepis Flous and Keteleeria formosana Hayata. 江南油杉和台湾油杉核型的比较研究.
- Title: Optimization of root - tip pretreatment and karyotype analysis for Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. 关键词:黄芩;根尖;染色体;核型分析;细胞学
- When Scutellaria baicalensis was vapoured for an hour, it turned soft and bright yellow. 黄芩蒸 1h软化切片 ;色黄鲜艳 ;黄芩素含量较高 ;质量较好 ;与冷浸 2 4h切片比较 ;黄芩素含量平均高 2 2 .;9%25。