- Scripture of San Tian 三天内解经
- There he laid out the city of San Juan. 他在那里营建圣胡安城。
- Can you tell me the local time of San Francisco. 请你告诉我旧金山的当地时间。
- City of San Francisco Planning Department. 旧金山城市计划管理部
- Kansen Chu, Councilman of San Jose. 我的好友圣荷西市议员朱感生。
- S. border and the central state of San Luis Potosi. 最近几周在墨西哥的欧克萨卡、靠近墨西哥湾海岸的维拉克鲁斯州、美国边境上的巴甲加利福尼亚和中部州圣路易斯波多西出现了猪流感。
- What is the area code for the city of San Francisco, please ? 请问,旧金山地区域号码是几号?
- Doctor of Communication of San Diego State University. 美国圣地亚哥大学沟通博士。
- Rumbaut and Kenji Ima of San Diego State University. 许多父母都为此做出了个人牺牲。
- That is the area code for the city of San Francisco, please? 请问,旧金山地区域号码是几号?
- About 1917 the shipworm invaded the harbor of San Francisco. 约在1917年凿船虫袭击了旧金山港。
- The picture dle shows the honor guard of San Marino. 中图为圣马力诺仪仗队。
- Los Angeles is in California. It's southeast of San Francisco. 洛杉矶在加利福尼亚州,在旧金山的东南方向。
- We write the scriptures of moans! 我们书写呻吟与怨诉的经卷!
- And the Koran is the scripture of Islamite, just like Christianism with Bible or Buddhism with Sutra. 还有可兰经是伊斯兰教的圣典,就好像圣经之于基督教,佛经之于佛教一样。
- Andrews is youth pastor of the First Baptist Church of San Mateo. 安德鲁斯是圣马蒂奥浸礼会的年轻牧师。
- Smith's translation of these tablets became the Book of Mormon, the holy scripture of Mormons. 史密斯的翻译这些药片成为摩门经,圣经的摩门教徒。
- But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince. 但我要将那录在真确书上的事告诉你。除了你们的大君米迦勒之外,没有帮助我抵挡这两魔君的。
- The sailors cast anchor in the bay of San Francisco. 水手们在旧金山湾下锚。
- Chapter 2: the analysis of the narrative spatiotemporal of Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture of Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms. 第二章分析东汉三国汉译佛经的叙事时空。