- Schwann sheath, myelin sheath 许旺鞘, 髓鞘
- Schwann cells (SCs), one of glia cells, forming peripheral nerve Myelin sheath, were the first described by Theodor Schwann in 1839. 雪旺细胞(Schwann cells, SCs)是形成周围神经髓鞘的胶质细胞,1839年德国科学家Theodor Schwann最先描述。
- Most neurons are insulated by a myelin sheath formed by cells (Schwann cells) surrounding the axons. Bundles of fibres from neurons held together by connective tissue form nerves. 大多数的神经元由一层包绕周围轴突的髓鞘(其细胞现称施万氏细胞)与外界隔绝。成束的来自多数神经元的纤维由结缔组织包绕形成神经。
- The process of forming a myelin sheath. 髓鞘形成形成髓鞘的过程
- Results: In the sural nerve biopsy, the most striking abnormality was the presence of axonal degeneration (axons become fine and breakdown),but the myelin sheath and schwann cells were norman. 结果:常规染色与神经特染的镜下主要特点为腓肠神经的轴索变性而髓鞘和许旺氏细胞相对保持完整,免疫组化结果显示轴索中神经丝蛋白明显减少,残留的神经丝呈细丝状或断裂状。
- To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of(a nerve fiber), as through disease. 失去髓磷质(通过疾病等)破坏或移走(神经纤维)鞘中的髓磷质
- To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of(a nerve fiber),as through disease. 失去髓磷质(通过疾病等)破坏或移走(神经纤维)鞘中的髓磷质。
- To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of(a nerve fiber,as through disease. 失去髓磷质(通过疾病等)破坏或移走(神经纤维)鞘中的髓磷质
- And wide gaps appeared between axon and myelin sheath, and between layers of myelin shea. 可见轴突与髓鞘间及髓鞘板层间形成宽大的裂隙。
- On the 7th day , many axons myelin sheath degeneration was exacerbated, the infracted areas enlarged . 7天部分轴突髓鞘部分向内向外突起,或板层分离范围扩大,轴突空泡样和均质状,微丝微管消失。
- One class of encephalitis (including multiple sclerosis) attacks the myelin sheath that insulates nerve fibres rather than the neurons themselves. 传染性脑炎最常见的病原为病毒。其中之一(包括多发性硬化)会攻击髓鞘,隔绝了神经纤维而非神经元。
- Cholesterol is also part of the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects neres, and it is used to make itamin D, bile, and some hormones. 胆固醇也是包绕和保护神经的髓鞘的组成部分,它还被用来合成维生素D,胆汁和一些激素。
- Objective To observe the direct act of myelin basic protein(MBP) specific lymphycytes on neurons of human brain and myelin sheath. 目的观察髓鞘碱性蛋白反应性淋巴细胞对人脑神经元细胞及其髓鞘的作用。
- In multiple sclerosis, the immune system launches an attack against the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells, causing them to misfire. 在多发性硬化症中,免疫系统会攻击神经细胞周围的髓鞘,使其受损。
- Some spherical hyperplasia of myelin were toward neuron.Demyelination and vaculization of myelin sheath were observed in serious cases. 严重者则髓鞘呈空泡化、空网状及形成髓球状,并挤压及占据整个轴浆,部分轴索变性坏死及葱头样肥大神经改变。
- Abstract Objective To observe the direct act of myelin basic protein (MBP) specific lymphycytes on neurons of human brain and myelin sheath. 摘要 目的 观察髓鞘碱性蛋白反应性淋巴细胞对人脑神经元细胞及其髓鞘的作用。
- The ex-perimental group with NGF showed reg ular longitudinal arranged regenerating nerve fiber ,mature myelin sheath and organelle as the control group(P>0.05). B组再生神经与对照组相似(P>0.;05);再生神经以有髓纤维为主;髓鞘较厚; A组再生神经数量、髓鞘厚度等指标与B、C组之间有显著性差异(P<0
- This myelin sheath is, basically, electrical tape, which is one reason that myelin, along with its associated cells, was classified as glia (Greek for "glue"). 髓磷脂鞘是一种基本的、象电线一样的一系列相互联系的细胞的排列。它们被称为神经胶质(希腊人称它为胶水)。
- These, in turn, generate a structure called the myelin sheath, which insulates nerves against leakage of the electrical signals that carry their messages around. 这些,反过来,产生一种叫做髓鞘的组织,它能隔离神经细胞防止电信号周围携带的信息泄漏。
- Neogenetic myelin sheath could be seen in the injured brain stem at one month.CONCLUSION:SC transplantation can promote the regeneration of the injured central nervous system. 在损伤的脑干区域内 1个月就可见新生的髓鞘.;结论:施万细胞移植可促进损伤的中枢神经系统再生