- Schi Heil 滑雪顺利(滑雪者寒喧语)
- Jennifer Heil for prime minister, anyone? 恐怕我们的总理也讲不出这样的话。
- "Heil zu Jade Stern und Lapislazuli Stern desuu! "(翠星石与苍星石万岁爹苏!
- Maslow with Deborah C.Stephens and Gary Heil. 书名/作者 Maslow on management //Abraham H.
- Salute to Mein Fuhrer,Heil Hitler! 真是热泪盈眶啊。
- He's a fool that makes his doctor his heil. 只有笨蛋才会让医生做自己的遗产继承人。
- Scene 2: Heil dir, weiser Schmied! 第二场:向你欢呼啊,聪明的铁匠!
- Plane cannon, a heil of bullets, red Army soldier, be fearless! 飞机大炮,枪林弹雨,红军战士,无所畏惧!
- Maslow, A. H., &Stenphens, D. C., &Heil, G. (1998/1999). Maslow On Management. 李美华、吴凯琳(译)。马斯洛人性管理经典。台北:商业周刊。
- Conclusions:The results of this study suggested that RIS should be first selected drug to treat schi... 结论:利培酮对脑电图的影响最小,疗效好,故利培酮是治疗的首选药物。
- Conclusion: The people at high risk for schizophrenia have negative schizotypal personality traits which may represent a genetic endophenotype for schi... 结论:精神分裂症高危人群具有阴性分裂型人格特征,该人格特征可考虑做为精神分裂症候选的遗传“内表型”指标。
- Heil Hitler.Heil Deutschland.Mein Fueher und Mein Vaterland.In God I Do not Trust. 元首万岁!德意志万岁!我的领袖,我的祖国。我不信上帝。
- She with president madam identity, visit battlefield, go through fire and water, a heil of bullets, do not be a dread. 她以总裁夫人身份,亲临战场、出生入死、枪林弹雨、不为所惧。
- Canadian freestyle skier Jennifer Heil recently said she senses "an attitude change toward excellence in our country. 加拿大花样滑雪运动员JenniferHeil最近曾说,她感到“加拿大追求完美的态度在改变。”
- Dieses Fest und diese Botschaft brauchen wir - alle Jahre wieder. Denn auch in unserem Alltag ist vieles nicht heil. 我们每年都需要这样一个节日,因为在我们生活中还是有很多不如意的事情存在。
- This is Canada with an edge, as expressed so well by the freestyle skier Jennifer Heil. 花样滑雪运动员JenniferHei说得最透彻:冬运会项目是加拿大夺魁机会最高的。
- The hardest thing for an entrepreneur to do is to ask for heil,to admit you don't know what you're doing. 对企业家而言,最难为的事莫过于承认自己不知所为何事,因此求助于别人。
- HK: The arms that stick out of the wall, in an apparently festive public salute, are strongly evocative of the notorious Heil Hitler. HK:粘在墙上的那些手臂,明显是一种礼庆的公共行礼致敬的动作,强烈地唤起了人们对臭名昭著的希特勒的印象。
- Author pass on the Buddism view by the imitative works of Huaben, the view of karma、heil、repent have constituted the whole understanding that common people for buddism. 创作者借助拟话本传达了部分佛教观念,其中的果报、地狱、做法事忏罪的观念构成了普通人对于佛教的世俗理解。
- Heil dir, Licht! 赞美你,日光!