- Schedorhinotermes magnusn. 大长鼻白蚁
- Magnus, he could trust to be dignified. 他相信曼克奈斯是懂得分寸的。
- Magnus was in every sense the "prominent man". &&in full sen曼克奈斯十十足足是个“大人物”。
- He assured Magnus that he would be on hand. 他跟曼克奈斯说,他到时候一定出席。
- Magnus glanced at his son in considerable surprise. 曼克奈斯朝他儿子瞥了一眼,着实吃了一惊。
- "I understand Magnus all right," put in Osterman. “我完全了解曼克奈斯的心意”奥斯特曼打岔道。
- Level 30 Mining and a pickaxe to help Miner Magnus. 消除30采矿和一个镐帮助矿工马格纳斯。
- The VMO originates on the adductor magnus tendon. 由于股四头肌和大收肌的起源相同,居于这种解剖学上的原理,因此,大收肌肉的强壮训练来帮助伸膝的动作。
- It might be as well to consult Magnus and Mrs. Derrick. 还是找曼克奈斯和台力克太太去商量吧。
- Magnus kept to himself seeing no visitors avoiding even his family. 曼克奈斯独来独往,不见客人,连家里人也避尔不见。
- Magnus Hedman feels he is close to making his debut for Chelsea. 海德曼觉得他离自己在蓝军的首次出场越来越近了.
- He came up to Magnus and shook the Governor's limp hand. 他走到曼克奈斯身边,握握州长那只没力气的手。
- "My character is known all over the state," blustered Magnus. “我的人格是全州闻名的,”曼克奈斯咆哮道。
- Magnus's army was gradually pushed back into a defensive circle. 马格努斯的军队被迫逐步撤回防守圈。
- "We know Magnus is a talented player," Ole told MUTV . “我们知道玛格努斯有很高的天赋,”奥莱告诉曼联电视。
- Who was Magnus's godfather and a good friend of her father's? 谁是马格纳斯的教父,他曾是马格纳斯父亲的好朋友之一?
- How does Magnus describe her father's nineteenth-century career? 玛格纳斯如何描述她父亲在十九世纪创下的事业?
- He wants Helen Magnus to perform an autopsy on his body. 他要海伦.;玛格纳斯对他的尸体进行解剖
- Oslash; Ultra Magnus is defeated. Galvatron captures the Matrix. 通天晓败,惊破天得领导魔块。
- Magnus:"I can see in your eyes that you fear this enemy. 克多.;华切尔:应当是战斗系统