- Savoir donner. 懂得奉献。
- A quoi ?a sert de vouloir tout savoir ? 想知道一切,可那又有什么意义?
- Arrete de donner des paroles en l'air! 别再说话不算数了!
- Pouvez-vous me donner un coup de main? 帮我个忙,好吗?
- Voulez-vous me donner un coup de main? 你能帮我一把吗?
- Je voudrais savoir ce que vous pensez de cette affaire? 我想知道您对这件事情的看法?
- Best Western Donner's Hotel : Great Deals Available Now! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
- He was renowned throughout the diplomatic world for his savoir faire. 他在外交界以灵活应变而闻名遐迩。
- Morris, Meaghan.“A Review of Michel Foucault’s La Volonte de savoir”. 研读A History of Sexuality时的必备参考读物。
- Gardez-vous a carreau. C’est le meilleur conseil que je puisse vous donner. 小心点为妙。这是我给你的最好忠告。
- Je commence par accueillir, car il faut avoir bien recu pour bien donner. 首先,我要接受,因为只有接受了才能付出。
- Je commence par accueillir, car il faut avoir bien re?u pour bien donner. 首先,我要接受,因为只有接受了才能付出。
- Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer, now Vixen! On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner, and Blitzen! 一会儿喊勇士,一会儿叫舞者,一会儿道跃进,一会儿说雌狐,然后是彗星、丘比特、雷声和闪电(都是驯鹿的名字)。
- Lights were glimmering through eextremeccly window, and the savoir of roast goose reached her from few abodes;it was New Year's eve, and it was of the those she concern. 从每扇窗子透出的亮光和飘出的烤鹅肉香味,使她想起的只是今天是除夕之夜。
- But let's for a moment abandon our Harvard savoir faire, our imperturbability, our pretense of invulnerability, and try to find the beginnings of some answers to your question. 那让我们还是暂时摘下那戴着的哈佛面具,收起那缺乏热情的冷漠,卸下我们看似刀枪不入的伪装,让我们尝试去探寻你们问的一些问题的答案。
- But let’s for a moment abandon our Harvard savoir faire, our imperturbability, our pretense of invulnerability, and try to find the beginnings of some answers to your question. 但现在,你们中的许多人迷惘了,不知道这些在做职业选择时都有什么用。如果在有偿的工作和有意义的工作之间做个选择,你们会怎么办?这二者可以兼顾吗?
- But let's for a moment abandon our Harvard savoir faire, ourimperturbability, our pretense of invulnerability, and try to find thebeginnings of some answers to your question. 让我们暂时扔掉哈佛人精明的处世能力、沉着和不可战胜的虚伪,试着来寻找一下你们问题的答案吧。
- Manufacture Halal Donner Kebabs and distribute other products for the fast food trade. We can also offer a wide range of HMC certified products. 生产清真唐纳烤肉串和分发其他产品的快餐食品贸易。我们还可以提供广泛的HMC的认证产品。
- Lights were glimmering through every window, and the savoir of roast goose reached her from several houses; it was New Year's eve, and it was of this that she thought. 从每扇窗子透出的亮光和飘出的烤鹅肉香味,使她想起的只是今天是除夕之夜。
- Eight. Their names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. In some stories, there is a ninth, named Rudolph. 八只。牠们的名字分别为冲锋、舞者、跳跃、悍妇、慧星、丘比特、甜甜圈和闪电。在某些故事中,还有第九只,名叫鲁道夫。