- Lamb波Lamb wave
- Lamb问题Lamb's problem
- -ed分词-ed Participle
- 泄漏Lamb波leaky Lamb wave
- ED模型ED model
- 散射Lamb波scattered Lamb waves
- ED途径Entner-Doudoroff pathway
- Lamb波检测Lamb wave testing
- 卡雅克里尔ed染料(分散性阳离子染料,商名,日本化药)Kayacryl ED dyes
- 超声Lamb波ultrasonic Lamb wave
- 目的 进一步探讨血管性ED和功能性ED的诊断与鉴别诊断。Objective To explore the diagnosis and the differential diagnosis of vascular ED and functio-nal ED.
- Lamb波传感器lamb wave sensor
- 电渗析(ED)electrodialysis
- 主动Lamb波监测active Lamb wave detection
- 他被昵称 "ed".。He was nicknamed "Ed".
- 兰姆(Lamb)波Lamb wave
- 静脉性ED的影像学诊断进展Advances of Imaging diagnosis in venous ED
- lamb 中的 b 不发音。The 'b' in 'lamb' is silent.
- 安培检测(ED)electrochemical detection ( ED )
- 电容式Lamb波器件capacitive Lamb wave device