- Satellite to Space Vehicle 卫星至宇宙飞船
- Sputnik is the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space. 苏联人造地球卫星是进入未知空间的第一颗人造卫星。
- By now, putting satellites in orbit is old hat to space scientists. 现在,对航天科学家来说,把卫星送入轨道已不是一桩新鲜事了。
- I decided to space out payments over five years . 我打算在5年内分期付款。
- The two space vehicles locked on to each other. 那两只航天器衔接起来了。
- I decided to space out payments over five years. 我打算在5年内分期付款。
- Technical terms relating to space. 空间技术术语。
- This apartment is hard to space. 这个公寓很难被隔断。
- Some astronaut had four times to space walk. 有一个宇航员曾经有过四次太空行走。
- Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong have been to space. 众所周知,聂海盛和费俊龙乘坐到过太空。
- Sputnik was the first man-made satellite to orbit the earth. 人造卫星是第一个围绕地球旋转的人造物体。
- Up to now, it is only the rocket which can propel a space vehicle. 至今,只有火箭才能推进宇宙飞行器。
- Study of Safety in Pollution Range of Poisonous Gas to Space Vehicle Launching Site 航天发射场有毒气体污染范围安全性研究
- The game was relayed by satellite to audiences all over the world. 这场比赛通过卫星向全世界的观众进行了转播。
- Nowadays, putting satellite into orbit is old hat to space scientists. 现在,对航天科学家来说,把人造卫星送入空间卫星轨道已不算是什么奇迹了。
- We can use satellites to foreign countries. 我们对宇宙的。
- Telstar, the first satellite to carry TV broadcasts was launched. 通讯卫星,首枚电视转播卫星被发射。
- The king ordered his satellite to attend to the guest of honor. 国王命令他的随从照顾这位贵宾。
- The intentional, usually remote-controlled destruction of a space vehicle, rocket, or missile after launching, as for defective performance or reasons of safety. 毁灭,摧毁因为方案不完善或为了安全的原因,经常通过遥控对已发射的宇宙飞船、火箭或导弹实施的有意的摧毁
- "Sometimes, when you come to space, your tastes change. 这位国际空间站的女科学家说:"也许人到了太空里,口味就会发生变化。