- 北京五棵松文化体育中心规划设计方案二等奖:美国Sasaki Associates,Inc(美国)PLANNING SCHEME OF BEIJING WUKESONG CULTURE & SPORTS CENTER Second Prize: Sasaki Associates, Inc. (U.S.A)
- 奥托曼帝国 (1300?-1924)the Ottoman Empire
- 冬季奥林匹克首先在1924被保持。The Winter Olympics were first held in 1924.
- 里根时的副总统和第41届美国总统(1924-)Vice President under Reagan and 41st President of the United States (1924- )
- 10%喹草烯(SYP-1924)水乳剂高效液相色谱分析HPLC Analysis of 10%25 SYP-1924 EW
- 里根时的副总统和第41届美国总统(1924-)。Vice President under Reagan and 41st President of the United States (1924- ).
- 杰克逊先生退休时得到一块刻有自己姓名及工作年限(1924-1974)的金表。When Mr Jackson retired he was presented with a gold watch in which his name and dates of his service (1924-1974) were inscribed.
- 布尔什维克的俄国建立者和俄国革命的领导者,苏联第一任首领(1870-1924)。Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924).
- 约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad,1857-1924)是英国的著名小说家。Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) is a famous novelist of England.
- 铁匠业余赛船会被从在那时存在的许多铁匠俱乐部吸引的一个委员会在1924成立。Hammersmith Amateur Regatta was founded in 1924 by a committee drawn from the many Hammersmith clubs that existed in those days.
- 美国第28届总统;在一次世界大战中领导了美国并保护了国际联盟的形成(1856-1924)28th President of the United States; led US in World War I and secured the formation of the League of Nations (1856-1924)
- 约瑟夫·康拉德(1857-1924)被西方评论家誉为20世纪最杰出的英国小说家之一。Joseph Conrad is acclaimed as one of the most outstanding British writers of the twentieth century.
- 美国第28届总统;在一次世界大战中领导了美国并保护了国际联盟的形成(1856-1924)。28th President of the United States; led US in World War I and secured the formation of the League of Nations (1856-1924).
- 美国政治家,参议院多数党外交委员会领导人(1918-1924),他成功的反对美国国际联盟的地位。American politician. As Senate majority leader(1918-1924) and head of the foreign relations committee(1918-1924) he successfully opposed United States membership in the League of Nations.
- 维泽尔,托尔斯坦 尼尔斯生于1924瑞典裔美国生理学家。因研究人脑中组织和功能获1981年诺贝尔奖Romanian-born writer and lecturer. A survivor of Nazi concentration camps, he is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust. He won the1986 Nobel Peace Prize.
- 二个论文藉着在北京的城市墙壁,门和宫殿上的瑞典艺术历史学家奥斯瓦德女海妖出现在1924和1926。Two treatises by the Swedish art historian Oswald Siren on the city walls, gates, and palaces of Peking appeared in 1924 and 1926.
- 维泽尔,托尔斯坦·尼尔斯生于1924瑞典裔美国生理学家。因研究人脑中组织和功能获1981年诺贝尔奖。Romanian-born writer and lecturer. A survivor of Nazi concentration camps,he is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust. He won the1986 Nobel Peace Prize.
- 黑格,小亚历山大·梅格斯生于1924美国陆军上将,政府官员,曾任美国国务卿(1981-1982年)American general and public official who served as U.S. secretary of state(1981-1982).
- 维泽尔,托尔斯坦·尼尔斯生于1924瑞典裔美国生理学家。因研究人脑中组织和功能获1981年诺贝尔奖Romanian-born writer and lecturer. A survivor of Nazi concentration camps, he is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust. He won the1986 Nobel Peace Prize.
- 两的进入被延迟直到秋天术语1924在引起了他的左边腿多样的破碎五月1923世被北京的损失惨重的摩托车意外事件。Liang's entry was delayed until the fall term of 1924 by a disastrous motorcycle accident in Peking in May 1923 that caused multiple fractures of his left leg.