- "东芝发言人Jun'ichi Nagaki说道,"我们认为对纸的需求永远不会完全消失。"We don't think demand for paper will ever disappear completely."
- 北京五棵松文化体育中心规划设计方案二等奖:美国Sasaki Associates,Inc(美国)PLANNING SCHEME OF BEIJING WUKESONG CULTURE & SPORTS CENTER Second Prize: Sasaki Associates, Inc. (U.S.A)
- NO-1886NO- 1886
- 迪瑞,约翰1804-1886美国工业家,提倡生产尤其适合在大草原上耕地的犁American industrialist who pioneered the manufacture of plows especially suited to working prairie soil.
- 一例严重的男性癔症性偏侧感觉缺失的观察报告(1886)Observation of a severe case of hemianaesthesia in a hysterical male (1886).
- 一个细长的家伙 艾米莉?迪金森(1830-1886) 王道余译A Narrow Fellow in the Grass Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)?
- NO-1886对高糖高脂饲料喂养新西兰兔糖代谢的影响(英文)NO-1886 improves glucose metabolism in high fat/ high sucrose-fed New Zealand white rabbits
- 她的胸口宜配珍珠 艾米莉?迪金森 (1830-1886) 王道余 译Her breast is fit for pearls Emily Dickinson ?(1830-1886)
- NO-1886抑制糖尿病兔肝糖原分解和肝脏脂肪病变的实验研究Liver Glycogenolysis and Fat Pathological Changes Suppressed By NO- 1886 in Diabetic Rabbits
- 31. 自然女神鲜用黄 艾米莉?迪金森(1830-1886) 王道余 译XXXI Nature Rarer Uses Yellow Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
- 被选为副总统并当加菲尔德被刺杀后成为第21届美国总统(1830-1886)。elected Vice President and became 21st President of the United States when Garfield was assassinated (1830-1886).
- 被选为副总统并当加菲尔德被刺杀后成为第21届美国总统(1830-1886)elected Vice President and became 21st President of the United States when Garfield was assassinated (1830-1886)
- 在总体上,这也是伯尔尼文学和艺术作品保护公约(1886)的主导思想。In general this was the philosophy underlying the Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic Works(1886).
- 爱米莉·狄金森(1830-1886)是一位著名的十九世纪美国女诗人。Emily Dickinson(1830-1886) was as famous a poet as Walt Whitman, who lived in the nineteenth century.
- No-1886对实验性糖尿病小型猪血糖、血脂异常和肝脏病变的保护作用观察Observation of Protection Effect of No-1886 on Abnormal Blood Glucose, Blood Fat and Liver Pathological Changes in Miniature Pigs with Experimental Diabetes
- 迪瑞,约翰1804-1886美国工业家,提倡生产尤其适合在大草原上耕地的犁。American industrialist who pioneered the manufacture of plows especially suited to working prairie soil.
- 韦斯顿,爱德华1886-1958美国摄影家,他的风景和裸体照的现实主义的反映影响了摄影艺术American photographer whose stark, realistic images of landscapes and nudes influenced photographic art.
- 乔森,阿尔1886-1950美国演员,曾主演爵士歌手(1927年),这是第一部同步配音的重要影片American entertainer who starred in The Jazz Singer(1927),the first major film with synchronized sound.
- 亚当斯,查尔斯 弗朗西斯1807-1886美国外交家,内战期间驻英大使,劝阻英国官方承认南部邦联政府First Lady of the United States(1797-1801) as the wife of President John Adams. Her letters to her husband provide a vivid picture of life in colonial Massachusetts.
- 特伦奇,理查德·切尼维克斯1807-1886英国诗人和语言学家,著作包括词语研究和英国的过去和现在(1855年)British poet and philologist whose works include On the Study of Words(1851) and English Past and Present(1855).