- 北京五棵松文化体育中心规划设计方案二等奖:美国Sasaki Associates,Inc(美国)PLANNING SCHEME OF BEIJING WUKESONG CULTURE & SPORTS CENTER Second Prize: Sasaki Associates, Inc. (U.S.A)
- GO模型GO model
- 克里克,F.H.C.(1916)Francis Harry Compton Crick (1916~)
- go是个不规则动词。Go is an irregular verb.
- 老爷车(1916 年以前的,尤指1905 年以前生产的)veteran car( Brit)car made before 96,esp before1905
- Go/NoGo模型Go/NoGo model
- 1916 年4 月2 日空袭警报响彻了整个爱丁堡。On 2 April 1916 air-raid warnings sounded throughout Edinburgh.
- 基因本体(GO)gene ontology (CA3)
- 爱德华 - 希思(1916-),1970年至1974年任英国首相。Edward Heath (1916--), prime minister of Great Britain from 1970 to 1974.
- 基因本体论(GO)Gene ontology(GO)
- 史密斯·马修爵士:《费斯洛依街裸像,第1号》(1916)Sir Matthew Smith: Nude, Fiztroy Street, NO.1(1916)
- “to go”是动词不定式。To go is an infinitive.
- 史密斯·马修爵士:《费斯洛依街裸像,第1号》(1916)Sir Matthew Smith: nude, Fiztroy Street, NO.1(1916)
- 两个GO-空间乘积的正规性Normality of Product of Two GO-Spaces
- 新建铁路交付营运里程896公里,电气化1916公里,复线551公里。Newly built railways open to traffic totalled 896 km, electrified railways, 1,916 km, and double-track railways, 551 km.
- GO-空间乘积正规性的充要条件The Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Normality of Product of Two GO-Spaces
- K戴维·劳合·乔治(1863-1945),英国首相(1916-1922)。David Lloyd George (1863--1945), British prime minister (1916--1922).
- 我们得想办法go into the house,This is the thief's house.
- 由于世界大战的爆发,现代奥运会在1916、1940、1944年未能举行。Because of the outbreak of major world wars,the modern Olympics did not hold competitions in 1916,1940,and 1944.