- Sarcoptes equi [医] 马疥螨
- It is equi ed with attack helicopters. 装备有武装直升机。
- What is the life cycle of Sarcoptes scabiei ? 什么是生命周期疥螨?
- Can I get Sarcoptes from my pet? 我怎样才可以得到疥从我的宠物吗?
- Dongguan New Bull Automated Equi pment Co. ; Ltd 技术拓荒 永远领先 N ...
- Equi ed and furnished to a high standard. 家具配备高档,设施配备精良。
- Most ecial forces are equi ed with sophisticated weapo . 大多数特种部队都拥有精良的武器装备。
- Window netting is widely used for window, corridors, industry disposing equi... 窗纱用于门窗,走廊和工业上的放设装置筛子滤器及其它各种用途。
- Massive infestation of Sarcoptes mites is rarely observed, especially in the scalp area. 摘要大量的疥虫感染鲜少发生在头皮。
- It was not until a scalp scraping showed numerous Sarcoptes mites and ova that the diagnosis of keratotic scabies was finally made. 直到头部皮屑检查发现许多疥虫虫体与虫卵,才确诊为角化型疥疮。
- It has significant effect to sarcoptes scabiei, ear mite , fungi, eczema , Pyoderma , pruritus and so on. 本品对犬猫疥螨、耳螨、真菌、湿疹、脓皮症、瘙痒症等有明显疗效。
- A parasitic mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) that burrows into the skin and causes scabies. 疥螨,痒螨:钻进皮肤里引起疥疮的一种小寄生虫(疥螨疥螨属)
- According to thermodynamic principle,this thesis reconsiders the equi librium constant of ideal gas reaction. 本文依据热力学原理;重新审议了理想气体的化学平衡常数.
- The equi pments kit,techni que is excellent,the craft is meticulous,management is strict. 专业生产各种档次多种款式时尚鞋、靴鞋、秋鞋、凉鞋。
- Indications: It has significant effect to sarcoptes scabiei, ear mite , fungi, eczema , Pyoderma , pruritus and so on. 本品对犬猫疥螨、耳螨、真菌、湿疹、脓皮症、瘙痒症等有明显疗效。
- The equilibrium temperature definitely affects the sensitivity of HS analysis,however, the selection of equi... 江苏省粮油品质控制及深加工技术重点实验室210003南京市铁路北街128号;
- To improve FCCU Performance,proposals on how to control the quality of feedstock and equi... 为了改善催化裂化生产的经济效益,提出了控制催化裂化原料和平衡剂质量的建议。
- Methods The static postural control functions of 98 normal boys were evaluated by the SMART Equi Test 8.0. 方法采用计算机人体平衡测试仪,评定98名发育正常的中小学男生,维持静态站立的稳定性。
- This paper reviews some equi blast cupolas,and introduces emphatically the snail like wind box cupola. 本文评述了均匀送风冲天炉,并着重介绍蜗螺风箱冲天炉。
- Signs include hair loss, redness, and scaling, and is not contagious to humans.Sarcoptic mange is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei canis. 毛囊虫皮肤病是由犬蠕形螨引起的,症状包括脱毛、红斑和鳞屑,不能传染人。