- According to experience of stonework excavation, we plan to adopt a in-the-hole drill to have deep hole controlled blasting technology. 根据石方开挖施工经验,计划采用潜孔钻机布孔进行深孔控制爆破技术施工。
- For meeting requirements of the spillway excavation progress and the atone grading, a reasonable blasting technology is a key factor. 为既能满足溢洪道开挖进度的要求,又能使爆破出的石渣符合大坝填筑石料级配的要求,采取合理的爆破技术是关键。
- With 20 years of experience dedicated to dry ice blasting technology, Cold Jet has unparalleled experience in developing and recommending dry ice solutions to match any need. Cold Jet在20年中潜心研究干冰喷射技术,在开发和推荐干冰解决方案以满足各种需求方面,具有无与伦比的丰富经验。
- This article introduces the situation of using the longhole shock blasting technology to prevent gas and coal outburst in driving face,analyzes the application result. 介绍了在掘进工作面应用深孔松动爆破技术预防煤与瓦斯突出的实施情况,并对应用效果进行了分析。
- In view of this,dehumidified blast technology is adopted to save coke ,increase output and recovery,reduce cost and so on. 为改善生产指标,采用脱湿鼓风技术,可取得节焦、增产、提高回收率、降低成本等效果。
- To protect the adit pass and slope,the mass of engineering and technical personnel in Lanjian Iron Mine have explored the in-hole and between-holes microsecond blasting technology. 兰尖铁矿为保护平硐溜井和边坡,工程技术人员进行了孔内孔间微差爆破技术的探索。
- The feasibility of middle_ deep hole blasting in roadway is discussed from present blasting apparatus, blasting technology and work way and the necessity of lifting excavation efficiency velocity and suitability. 从目前的爆破器材、破技术和作业方式等方面论述了平巷中深孔爆破的可行性,以及它对提高掘进工效、度,适应机械化作业线施工的必要性。
- This paper introduces controlled blasting technology on signal chamber of pit-bottom and main haulage roadway,which are of complex condition,lithological character and highly security. 介绍了采用控制爆破技术施工位于井底车场及主要运输大巷的信集闭峒室,条件复杂,岩性变化大,要求安全性高。
- Dagushan's iron mine whose iron ore is in its third fragmentation system is in the construction process,in which the vertical deep-hole blasting technology was adopted to excavate the fragment room. 介绍了大孤山铁矿在矿石三期破碎系统的建设过程中,采用垂直深孔爆破技术挖掘破碎峒室,使挖掘工期大幅度缩短。
- There is a new blasting technology which utilizes the explosion effect of the explosive to compact the soil to form the underground space with the non-compacted material as the cushion. 一种新型爆破工艺,需要采用不可压缩介质作垫层,利用炸药的爆炸作用对粘土进行挤压,形成地下空间。
- The successful applications of controlled blasting technology of false roof mining in Gaozhuang Mine of Pingdingshan Mining Bureau have attained outstanding economical &social benefit. 平顶山矿务局高庄矿的实践应用得出,控制爆破技术在托伪顶开采中的应用是成功的。
- The paper introduced the excavation features,blasting method and parameters,construction technology and organization of the shallow borehole smooth blasting technology in clay and rock roadway. 介绍了浅孔光爆技术在黏土岩中的掘进特点、爆破方法及参数、施工工艺及组织。
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- Schlick roto-jet,a leader in shot blast technology,has optimised the flow of abrasive through the turbine and made this the starting point for a completely new,next generation turbine. 施力克公司作为抛丸技术的领头者,已经通过抛丸器优化了抛丸流并为全新的下一代抛丸器打开了门路,是世界上首先使用高速照相技术得到如此成果的公司。
- The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹进食物中,里边尽是砂子。
- The children were playing in the sand pit. 孩子们在沙坑中玩耍。
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
- Successful application of the deep-hole millisecond blasting with double-bench smooth blasting is a development to deep-hole blasting technologies for open pits. 双台阶光爆的深孔微差爆破的成功应用,是露天深孔爆破技术的一项发展。
- The sun blazed down on the sand. 阳光强烈地晒在沙滩上。
- His company was built on the sand. 他的公司根基不稳固。