- The oldest surviving stupa can be found in Sanchi, India. 现存最古老的佛塔位于印度桑吉。
- Sanchi Stupa 桑奇大塔
- The figure appeared toward the top of one of four stone gateways (toranas) leading to the Great Stupa at Sanchi. 这个数字似乎对顶部的一对四石网关(toranas)领导向伟大的stupa在三七。
- Tomorrow, the stupa will be inserted. 明天就要装塔了。
- I feel the peace of Sanchi slip out of my head. 我知道桑吉的宁静正悄悄地从我脑海中溜走。
- This is a stupa niche from the Sui Dynasty. 你看这是隋代的塔龛。
- The stupa was completed entirely. 佛塔已经全部建好了。
- Their ashes would be stored in the stupa niches. 骨灰就放在这些塔龛里。
- The Buddha walked to this Stupa. 于时塔上放大光明照耀炽盛。
- To show respect for his guru, Maitreya has a stupa on his forehead. 为了表示对他的上师的尊敬,弥勒菩萨的前额上有一座佛塔。
- It is not easy to set up a big scripture flag stupa. 竖起一个大的经幡塔不是一件容易的事。
- There was an old Stupa which was damaged with brambles and grass. 于彼园中有古朽塔摧坏崩倒荆棘掩庭蔓草封户。
- Photo 2.48 Guru Lau's Stupa (Made of Bronze and gold-plated). 图2.;48福德法幢(刘上师)之舍利塔(青铜铸成并贴上金箔)。
- The Famen Temple Pagoda was originally called Asoka Stupa. 塔初建时名阿育王塔,唐贞观年间改建成4级木塔。
- He prostrates himself before this Stupa with fragrant flowers. 持以香华礼拜供养。
- It usually consists of three parts: stupa pedestal, stupa vase and stupa top. 通常由塔座、塔瓶、塔刹三部分组成。
- Nanshanhua si open slopes, has a stone stupa is a Zen master Dayu tower. 开化寺南山坡上,有一座石造舍利塔,是大愚禅师塔。
- Song formi yan shi stupa, hexagonal planar, five-story, pass 17 meters high. 宋代舍利塔为密檐式,平面六角形,五层,通高17米。
- Octagonal stupa originated in Gandhara to adapt to the octagonal temple there. 摘要八面体佛塔起源于犍陀罗,最初为适应犍陀罗八角形支提殿的形制而出现。
- Sanchi mountain is not high, inaccessible by road, more appropriate to foot travel. 神山山势不高,不通公路,比较适合于徒步旅游。