- Sanbao capsules 三宝胶囊
- All the solutions are to be put up in capsules. 所有这些药水都将装在胶囊里。
- The capsules of the synovial joints are lax. 滑液关节的关节囊都是松弛的。
- The capsules of plants have dehisced. 植物蕨果已裂开。
- Capsules oblong, ca. 1.4 cm, pilose. 蒴果长圆形,长约1.;4厘米,被长柔毛。
- Three capsules a day and you will feel better soon. 每天吃三粒胶囊,你很快就会好的。
- Dentistry - Dental amalgam capsules. 牙科学。汞齐合金胶囊。
- Both placebo and ginger were given as capsules. 姜制剂和安慰剂都是以胶囊给药。
- The capsules were examined for genetic mutations. 这些胶囊用于检测基因突变。
- Capsules oblong, ca. 1 cm long, apex truncate. 蒴果长圆形,长约1厘米,顶端截平。
- Easy-to-swallow softgel capsules. 容易使用小颗粒胶囊.
- Elizabeth Arden / Advanced-Time Complex Capsules. 先名字说明一下买的东东。
- Wang and Zheng, both as “Sanbao Eunuchs”, were equal in political status. 王景弘与郑和在宫中的政治地位一样,同属“三保太监”;
- Capsules subglobose, 3-4 mm in diam, with a 4-5 mm long beak. 蒴果近球形,直径3-4毫米,具4-5毫米长的喙。
- His original name of Sanbao and his seven voyages apparently inspired the Arab legend of The Seven Voyages of Sinbad. 他的本名三宝和他的7次航行极大的鼓舞着阿拉伯传说中有过7次航行的辛巴达。
- Conclusion: The compound sepia capsules can prolong life. 结论:复方乌贼墨胶囊具有延缓衰老作用。
- The effect of Sanbao Drainage Works, which adds a big artery for drainage to the Grand Canal, is instant. “三堡排涝工程就像是给运河增加了一条排涝的大动脉,效果是立竿见影的。”
- A preparation from the leaves and seed capsules of the cannabis plant, smoked, chewed, eaten, or infused and drunk to obtain mild euphoria. 印度大麻从大麻植物的树叶和种囊中提取的一种制剂,通过吸烟、嚼咀、吞食或注射以得到适度精神快感
- Sonic Reality Sonik Capsules Electric Guitars Multiformat. 对于那些寻求真实电子吉他音。
- This product comes in capsules with aluminum vacuum-packaging. 本产品是以胶囊包覆,外加铝箔真空包装。