- Samar Tailorbirdn. 萨马缝叶莺
- He, together with his wife and children, left Samar and went home to Ilocos. 他,还有他妻子和孩子,离开了萨马岛去了他们在罗科斯的家。
- The tailorbird of Africa makes its nest by sewing together two broad leaves.It uses fiber as the thread and its bill as the needle. 非洲的长尾缝叶莺会将两片宽大的叶子缝在一起做成巢,它用纤维作线,用嘴作针。
- "I feel like I am in some Arabic town, just like Aladdin," Tan told AFP while enjoying a strawberry-laced hookah at the two-storey Samar restaurant. 谭在2层楼高的“夜谭”餐厅享用搀有草莓口味的水烟时告诉法新社说:“我觉得置身某个阿拉伯城镇,就好像天方夜谭中的阿拉丁一样。”
- The tailorbird of Africa makes its nest by sewing together two broad leaves. It uses fiber as the thread and its bill as the needle. 非洲的长尾缝叶莺会将两片宽大的叶子缝在一起做成巢,它用纤维作线,用嘴作针。
- SAMAR SPA The SAMAR group is specialised in manufacturing &sales of clothing: night-dresses, men, women,... 更多 分类标题: 睡衣和内衣 | 儿童和婴儿服装 ...
- How about the Shuhada Organization which was founded by Dr Sima Samar, MD, one of the also-rans for this year's prize. 不如捐给西玛萨马尔医学博士的Shuhada组织,她本人也是这次和平奖的竞争者。
- The SAMAR group is specialised in manufacturing &sales of clothing: night-dresses, men, women,... 分类标题:儿童和婴儿服装|睡衣和内衣...
- It is one of the southernmost towns of Samar, one of the largest and most eastern islands of the Philippines. 带了护照,然后身上穿著不是太过休閒的服装就出发了,但口袋仍放了澳币1元“以备不时之需”。
- Today women are free,and are part of Afghanistan's new government,and we welcome the new Minister of Women's Affairs,Doctor Sima Samar. 而现在,妇女们自由了,她们还在阿富汗新政府中占有一席之地。让我们欢迎新的妇女事务部长: 茜玛·萨玛尔博士!
- As the steering subtropical ridge was strong, 04W moved westwards quickly and made its first landfall at Samar Island in the afternoon (June 23rd). 由于驶流明显,04W快速向西移动,在23日下午于菲律宾东部萨马岛首次登陆。
- Today women are free, and are part of Afghanistan's new government, and we welcome the new Minister of Women's Affairs, Doctor Sima Samar. 而现在,妇女们自由了,她们还在阿富汗新政府中占有一席之地。让我们欢迎新的妇女事务部长:茜玛·萨玛尔博士!
- I would also like to point out the Battle of Samar as an interesting case study of daylight destroyer torpedo attack disrupting cruiser and even battleship battle formations. (同时我也要喜欢引用萨玛岛海战中,驱逐舰在白昼以鱼雷攻击、扰乱巡洋舰乃至于战斗舰的队形的案例。
- In another Indian source, the Samar, Vimanas were "iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of mercury that shot out of the back in the form of a roaring flame. 在另外的一个印度的资料来源里,Samar,Vimanas是“铁机器,拼接良好且光滑的,装有汞,以咆哮的火焰往后喷射。”
- Samar J.Kalita,Abhilasha Bhardwaj,Himesh A.Bhatt.Nanocrystalline calcium phosphate ceramics in biomedical engineering[J].Materials Science and Engineering C,2006 (In Press). 闫玉华;张宏泉;李世普.;生物陶瓷及制品的研究现状和发展前景[J]
- Cafes like Samar are decorated with Moroccan lamps hanging from the ceiling and its menus are spiced up with history snippets befitting the theme of the neighbourhood of two-storey shophouses. 和“夜谭”一样的餐馆,都装饰了垂挂在天花板的摩洛哥吊灯,菜单也加添一些历史片断以增加趣味,与周边2层楼高店家的氛围相称。
- Oxygenation Using Tidal Volume Breathing After Maximal Exhalation (Brief Report) Anis S. Baraka, Samar K. Taha, Mohamad F. El-Khatib, Faraj M. Massouh, Dima G. Jabbour, and Mahmoud M. 在最大呼出气进行潮气量呼吸的氧合情况(短篇报告)
- For tourists, it’s recommended to break the trip into 3 days, i.e. one night at Samar and then Ghami or Tsarang.Both Samar and Ghemi has a good guesthouse, didn’t see any in Ghilling, Tsarang plenty. 萨玛和给密都有住的不错的旅馆,吉淩比较没看到什麽可住的地方,到了擦壤和现在的首都Lo-Manthang就到处是住处了。
- tailorbirdn. 缝叶莺