- Sakya Script Pagoda in Guangnei Temple. 广化寺内的释迦文佛塔。
- Is the Sakya Script Pagoda, right? 就是释加文佛塔,对吧?
- Sakya Trizin: It depends on the action itself. 萨迦法王:这要看行为的本身。
- Academy of Sakya Davao Inc.Rivera Subd. 菲律滨纳卯佛教龙华学校 Phil.
- Caption : lhasa, tibet, CHINA -people of sakya county in tibet. 西藏日喀则地区萨迦县藏民.
- Cisi the original allocation for the Sakya (the flowers), after the change in the Gelug Sect (Yellow Sect). 此寺原为萨迦派(花教),后改宗格鲁派(黄教)。
- His father was the Rajah of the Sakya clan, King Suddhodana, and his mother was Queen Maha Maya. 他的爸爸是释迦部落的首老--净饭王,他妈妈是摩耶王后。
- Ga East Temple after Ning Mapai, Gaju Pai, Sakya sent to the middle of the 17th century popular Gelug Sect. 嘎东寺历经宁玛派、噶举派、萨迦派,到十七世纪中叶开始盛行格鲁派。
- Sakya Trizin: Actually, Sakya Pandita did not say that we couldn't use the term "mahamudra". 萨迦法王:实际上萨迦班智达从未说过不能用“大手印”这个词。
- Baita was to mark the Mongolian audience Genghis Khan died in a Maryland Sakya Tibetan lamas were built. 白塔原为纪念去蒙古谒见成吉思汗而在兰州病故的一西藏萨迦派喇嘛而建。
- Phagpa became head of all Buddhist monks in the Yuan empire, and Sakya would become the administrative center of Tibet. (蒙古人的)第二次出征征服了西藏的大部诸侯国。1244年,阔端命令萨迦班智达到凉州同他见面。1247年,萨迦班智达成为蒙古势力在西藏的代理人。
- Caption : lhasa, tibet, CHINA -a monk in Sajia (sakya)monastery ,located near ShiGaTse city in tibet. 西藏日喀则地区萨迦县萨迦寺的一小喇嘛.
- Sakya temple was sent (spent teaching), after the conversion Gelugpa (Yellow Sect). 此寺原为萨迦派(花教),后改宗格鲁派(黄教)。
- His is delicate and a noble Sakya Prince; His body is full of characteristic marks; He is a hero amongst men, intent on the welfare of the world. 他举止优雅,是高贵的Sakya族王子;他的身体相好庄严;他是男人当中英雄,为一切世间而作利益。那的确是你的父亲,人中的狮子。
- Light pouring through the doors frames a Rimpoche who is holding the early morning puja. Sakya Choling Gompa, Darjeeling, India. 阳光从户外穿入,照亮了正在做早礼拜的活佛。印度,大吉岭,萨克耶祖玲果母巴。
- In 2001, a special fund of 330 million yuan was apportioned to repair the Potala Palace, the Norbulingka and the Sakya Monastery. 2001年起,又拨专款3.;3亿元人民币,用于维修布达拉宫和罗布林卡、萨迦寺三大文物古迹。
- The third time, King Liuli regardless of all consequences extinguished Jiapiluowei State and slaughtered a lot of people of the Sakya Nationality. 琉璃王第三次进军则不顾一切,灭掉了迦毗罗卫国,屠杀了许多释迦族的人。
- This is more than 40 monks of the Sakya sect is a small temple, the temple has been retained within a six-year history of about 500 drums. 这个有40多位僧人的小寺庙属萨迦教派,寺庙内至今保留有6个约有500年历史的鼓。
- The mid-Ming Dynasty, founded by Tsongkhapa the rise of the Gelug Sect, a gradual replacement of the Nyingma, Sakya, brgyud various sects. 明朝中期,宗喀巴创立的格鲁派兴起,逐渐替代了宁玛、萨迦、噶举诸教派。