- 切斯特顿,吉尔伯特 基思1874-1936英国作家和批评家,信仰罗马天主教,政治观点保守。他的著作包括散文,一系列以布朗神父为主角的侦探小说以及几卷评论及辩论文集British writer and critic known for his Roman Catholicism and his conservative political views.His works include essays, a series of detective novels featuring Father Brown, and volumes of criticism and polemics.
- X-Y型天线座X-Y type antenna pedestal
- 以无穷数乘y.Multiply y by infinity.
- 假定x=yLet x be y.
- 使y等于此函数。Place y equal to the function.
- 用y 除Xto divide X by Y
- Y器Y-organ
- x=y意思是x与y相等。means that x equals y.
- Y)Eosin Y
- y相关y correlation
- y’相y' phase
- Y辐射V -radiation
- Y含量Y addition
- Y系数Y coefficient
- Y迷宫Y maze
- Y改性Y modification
- Y参数Y parameters
- Y精子Y sperm
- y迷路Y type maze
- Y波导Y waveguide