- GY系列中大型超声波清洗机GY series medium and large scale ultrasonic rinsing machine
- GY法浮选黑白钨新工艺的研究New Technological Research on Flotation of Wolframite and Scheelite Using GY Chelating Collector
- 鼻咽癌组织照射2 Gy前后基因表达差异研究The changes of gene express profile of nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissue before and after the radiotherapy of 2 Gy
- 霍奇金,D.M.C.(1910-)Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910~)
- 导入由APN启动子驱动的MnSOD基因,使KGla细胞比对照组对射线(10 Gy)的耐受性提高3.7倍。The resistance to radiation increased 3.7 folds at the dose of 10 Gy compared with parental cells in KGla cell line transduced with MnSOD gene drived by APN promoter.
- 1910至1924年,他在城市设计学院定期授课。From 1910 to 1924, he lectured regularly at the school of civic design.
- 高龄老人1910-1969年间出生子女性别比的研究A Study of Sex Ratio at Birth among Children Born Between 1910 and 1969
- 以等中心点归一,给与处方剂量60 Gy/30F,3种照野所覆盖的肿瘤体积占GTV的36%、94%、100%,占CTV 23%、85%、92%。by prescription dose 60 Gy/30F,the covered part of GTV and CTV are 36%25,94%25,23%25 and 85%25,92%25,100%25.
- 朝鲜作为日本一个省时候的名字(1910-1945)。the name for Korea as a Japanese province (1910-1945).
- 辐照脱蛋白 DNA诱导的 DSB产额为 0 .4 0 DSBs/1 0 0 Mbp/Gy,辐照完整细胞诱导的 DSB产额约为 0 .1 9DSBs/1 0 0 Mbp/Gy。The yield of DSB in deproteinized DNA is 0 40 DSBs/100 Mbp/Gy,while that in the intact cells is 0 19 DSBs/100 Mbp/Gy.
- 1910至1927年间光辉的文艺复兴以后,美国诗歌写作中出现了逆流和新基调。There were crosscurrents and moods in American poetical writing after the brilliant renaissance of the period.
- 古代巴尔干国,它长期抵抗土耳其,并于1910至1918年间成为独立王国。An ancient Balkan state, it long resisted the Turks and from 1910 to 1918 was an independent kingdom.
- 方法立体定向适形放射治疗系统治疗198例原发性中晚期肝癌患者,6 MV X射线使90%等剂量曲线包绕100%的剂量体积,照射剂量48~63 Gy/ 6~9 f,共12~18 d。Methods Altogether 198 patients with advanced HCC underwent three-dimensional conformal radio therapy (3D-CRT) in a dose range 48 to 63 Gy in 6 to 9 fractions completed in a course of 12 to 18 d. The total clinical tumor volume (CTV) received more than 90%25 of the prescribed irradiation dose delivered through 6MV X ray.
- 1910至1927年间光辉的文艺复兴以后,美国诗歌写作中出现了逆流和新基调。There were crosscurrents and moods in American poetical writing after the brilliant renaissance of the period.
- 我在上头已经说过,英语中和“精神”意义最近似的词字是“vitality”或“nervousener-gy”,这种东西在一天中不同的时候,在人生不同的时候,是象潮水那样地涨落不定的。The nearest English equivalent is,as I have suggested,"vitality" or "nervous energy" which ebbs and flows at different times of the day and of the person's life.
- 下面这篇对话是根据美国作家马克·吐温(1835~1910)的一篇短篇故事而改写的。This dialogue has been written from a short story by Mark Twain, the American writer who lived from 1835 to 1910.
- 结合有关放射生物学资料的分析和集落形态观察,证明该CFU-f为非均一性群体,可区分为致密型(D_0=2.17 Gy,N=1.14)和疏松型(D_0=4.09 Gy,N=1.13)等两个放射敏感性不同的亚群。By the analysis of the relative data from the experiment and the observation of themorphology of colony. we have proved that there are two distinct subpopulationsin radiosensitivity and colonial morphology among the CFU-f populations in the gui-nea-Dig bone marrow. The dense cellular colony type subpopulation of the CFU-f:D_0=2. 17 Gy, N=1. 14;
- 史坦威-韦尔特自动钢琴(1910),现藏英国米德尔塞克斯布伦特福德不列颠钢琴与音乐博物馆。By courtesy of The British Piano and Musical Museum, Brentford, Middlesex, Eng.
- 12 Gy的辐射剂量能够完全抑制肿瘤细胞的增生(细胞生长抑制率及克隆形成抑制率均为100%,P<0.01),且不影响红细胞的携氧功能(不辐射与辐射后的2,3 DPG值无显著性差异,P>0.05)。Either the cell growth inhibitory rate or the colony inhibitory rate of the HeLa cells was 100%25(P<0.01) after being exposed to 12 Gy irradiation, meanwhile, the value of 2,3-DPG was nearly unchanged(P>0.05).