- Saffron Siskinn. 番红金翅
- Saffron is an extremely expensive spice. 番红花是一种非常昂贵的香料。
- The siskin is out , the mantis dominates a king! 首页>>图片猎奇>>黄雀不在家,螳螂称霸王!
- We have buy inquiries for Saffron. 南非公司大量求购藏红花。
- The special zest of this soup is due tothe saffron. 这个汤的特殊香味是因为藏红花粉。
- Buying Saffron Filling and Packing Machine. 印度求购包装盒。
- Your veil of the saffron color makes my eyes drunk. 你那桔黄色的面纱迷醉了我的双眼。
- Interesting is, "Mantis catchs cicada, siskin is in hind " . 有趣的是,“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”。
- Will you please tell me the secret of your saffron sauce? 你能告诉我你的香料调味秘方吗?
- True it may be said " mantis catchs cicada, siskin is in hind " . 真可谓“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”。
- Purple: Farmers in Kashmir are picking saffron in suburb. 紫:克什米尔农民在郊区采摘藏红花。
- Saffron Risotto Parmesan Cheese and Sun dried Tomato. 巴马臣芝士、番茄干、藏红花。
- Add a pinch of saffron to rice and mix well. Serve hot. 撒下红花粉,与饭同拌匀(图11),趁热上盘供食。
- An old man in saffron robes greets me with a smile and a bow. 一个穿橘黄色长袍的老人用一个微笑和鞠躬迎接了我。
- Your veil of the saffron colour makes my eyes drunk. 你橙黄色的面纱使我眼睛陶醉。
- Vegetable shortening will work very well, especially almond and saffron. 植物油较好,特别是杏仁油和藏红花油。
- Oh,please tell me at least have the saffron corn with jalapeno honey butter. 噢;请告诉我至少有撒着墨西哥胡椒和蜂蜜黄油的金黄璀璨的玉米.
- Hector sees his wife, Andromache (played by Saffron Burrows), and his son. 阿伽门农说他控制不了阿喀琉斯(这是正确的)。
- Definition: Saffron is the dried stigma of Crocus sativus L. (Fam.Iridaceae). 本品为鸢尾科植物番红花 Crocus sativus L.;的干燥柱头。
- Stir in saffron and paprika, then 3 cups broth and rice.Bring to boil. 撒上藏红花及辣椒油,再加3杯鸡汤及米饭翻炒。