- Sacrifice to the god of fire 祭火神
- Israel left with all he owned and reached Beersheba where he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. 以色列遂带著他所有的一切出发,来到了贝尔舍巴,向他父亲依撒格的天主献了祭,
- So Israel set out with all that was his, and when he reached Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. 以色列带着一切所有的,起身来到别是巴,就献祭给他父亲以撒的神。
- Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. 你们要称谢万神之神,因他的慈爱永远长存。
- They offer a sacrifice to propitiate the god. 他们供奉祭品以慰诸神。
- Give thanks to the God of gods, his kindness endures forever. 请众感谢众神中的真神,因为他的仁慈永远常存。
- A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess. 向女神祭献了一头牺牲小牛。
- Here, it will be presented to the pharaoh before being ritually slaughtered as a sacrifice to the god. 他们离去的时候,封印在法老每天的莅临前再次盖上。
- In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door. 如果失火, 就赶快朝最近的门跑。
- They offered a sacrifice to propitiate the god. 他们供奉祭品以慰诸神。
- They offered sacrifices to the gods. 他们向众神献上祭品。
- A calf is offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess. 一头小牛被作为祭品献给女神。
- Site of sacrifice to the god of the land 祭祀社神之所
- Day of sacrifice to the god of the land 社日,祭祀社神的日子
- They offered sacrifices to propitiate the gods. 他们供奉祭品以求神息怒。
- Utnapishtim leaves the boat and makes a sacrifice to the gods, who promise that there will never again be a flood. 乌特纳比西丁离开了船,向众神献祭,众神承诺再也不会有洪水发生。
- He added that westwards from that island, there were the three islands of Cronus, to where proud and warlike men used to come from the continent beyond the islands, in order to offer sacrifice to the gods of the ocean. 他补充说,从岛屿上向西行,有三个巨人克罗诺斯的岛屿,以前从大陆而来,是妄自尊大和好战的人,为了给海上的众神献祭。
- The questions over, he is presented with a large bull.After prayers, the sacred butcher cuts the bull's throat as a sacrifice to the gods. 当问题完毕了,法老会献上一头大公牛,祈祷完毕,圣屠上前一刀切断了牛的脖颈,作为祭品供奉给神。
- Artillery pieces and the service of offering sacrifices to the God of the Artillery at Lugouqiao 火炮与?沟桥祭炮
- Of or relating to the god Mercury. 墨丘利神的或与之有关的