- suprasylvian gyrus 大脑侧裂上回
- SSG was performed with home made coaxial catheter. 则行输卵管再通术。
- SSG model contains Microprocessor in default. SSG含有微处理器的默认。
- Do you know what are you doing ,SSG Jackson?! 对你做成的不便和困扰;本人谨在此致歉......
- A few PV-IR neurons were seen in CA3 and the dentate gyrus until 38 weeks. 直至38周,CA3和齿状回内才可见到少量PV-IR神经元。
- Focal ischemia also could raise the neurogenesis in hippocampus dentate gyrus. 局灶性脑缺血后亦可增加海马齿状回内神经发生。
- The dentate gyrus controls overactivity from reaching seizure-prone brain cells further along the circuit. 齿状核负责抑制易放电脑细胞的过度活动。
- The operation of SSG is simple with definite value,so it is suitable for clinical application. SSG因操作简便 ,疗效确实 ,适于临床应用
- It corresponded clinically to a remote ictus, or suddent event many years ago, and anatomically was limited to the superior frontal gyrus. 相应在临床是是早年的突发病灶,解剖上局限在额上回内。
- Selective salpingogram(SSG)and hysterosalpingography(HSG)have achieved fairly reliable diagnostic value. 子宫输卵管造影(HSG)和选择性输卵管造影(SSG)对输卵管阻塞有较可靠的诊断价值;
- Para-medic training: SSG and Yushu County as project partners train 30 medics in Yushu County. 医务人员训练:江源发展促进会和玉树县当项目伙伴训练30位军医在玉树县。
- Objective:To assess the value of SSG with CP in the diagnosis of tubal patency of infertile patients. 目的:评价注射用过氧化碳酰胺声学造影对输卵管阻塞的诊断价值。
- Conclusions: The uncus of hippocampus, lateral medial nucleus of thalamus and orbitofrontal gyrus are the olfactory centre and important tract. 结论:1.;本研究进一步验证了海马回钩、丘脑内侧背核、眶额回为嗅觉中枢及其重要通路。
- Objective To assess the diagnostic value of SSG with PDCP in the infertility caused by tubal obstruction. 目的评价超声晶氧声学造影术对输卵管源性不孕症的诊断价值。
- SSG data at all of the cement-treated sites during the first 60 hours after construction. 特殊保障数据,在所有的水泥处理的地点在首60个小时后施工。
- It was found that the left gyrus temporalis medius as well as the left gyrus fusiformis were activated by both Chinese and English stimuli. 研究发现,1)中、英文刺激在左侧颞叶中后部及相邻的梭状回激活的脑区非常相似,该脑区可能与语义信息的存储有关。
- Provide Beijing China interface to SSG IT Global Technology and Global Network Design as needed. 波音公司在航空航天领域的领导地位和创新能力方面具有悠久的传统。
- This is proposed to be a replacement changes for theNPY neuron loss in the hilus of dentate gyrus after seizures. 结论:这可能是对癫痫发作后齿状回门区神经肽Y能神经元缺失的一种代偿性变化。
- Objective: To assess the value of SSG with the new contrast agent(PDCP) in the diagnosis of tubal obstruction. 目的:评价新型造影剂注射用过氧化碳酰胺声学造影对输卵管阻塞的诊断价值。
- Labeling signal of SERT was mainly found in PACC of the cingulate gyrus in healthy controls. 健康者脑标本SERT标记信号在扣带回主要分布于胼胝体前部膝周皮质处;