- A new record species of mosses in China. 中国藓类植物的一个新记录种.
- Chromosome studies of 6 species of Clematis in China. 国产6种铁线莲的染色体研究.
- A preliminary study on species of genus Mentha cultivated in China. 国产薄荷属的栽培种类的初步研究.
- A precursory new species of genus Celastrus in China. 我国南蛇藤属一个新种的预报.
- Pharmacognostic study on five species of Maytenus in China. 国产五种美登木的生药学鉴定研究.
- This species of flower flourishes in a warm climate. 这种花在温暖的气候中长得茂盛。
- There are 17 species of medicinal plants from Trib.Isopyreae Schrod in China. 报道17种耧斗菜族药用植物资源、习性和药用价值。
- A systematic and pharmacognostical study on five species of Datura in China. 五种曼陀罗的植物分类及中药鉴定研究.
- They presented China with this species of fish in 1957. 这种鱼是他们在1957年送给中国的。
- New species and reocrds of Meteoriaceae in China. 中国蔓藓科新种和新分布种.
- He was wearing a strange species of hat. 他戴着一种奇怪的帽子。
- There's too great a consumption of alcohol in China. 在中国酒的消耗量太大了。
- The Yangtse River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China. 长江是中国的交通要道之一。
- There are many species of chrysanthemum. 菊花品种很多。
- Lincoln represents the owner's social status in China while it is nothing more than a vehicle in its country of origin. 在中国,林肯轿车象徵车主的社会地位,而在原产国只不过是交通工具罢了。
- There are 596 species of livestock and poultry in China,of which over 70 percent are native species. 中国有家畜禽品种、类群596个,其中土著家畜禽品种(类群)占品种总数的70%25以上。
- All species of worms in a habitat are considered. 所有蚯蚓在栖息地达到相当数量。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?