- low SO2 flue gas 低浓度SO2
- SO2 flue gas SO2烟气
- Flue gas with high SO2 concentrations or temperatures reduce the performance of the scrubber. 含有较高二氧化硫含量或者温度的废气将降低洗气器的性能。
- The results of this study are useful for the design and operation of dry or semidry processes that use BFS/HL sorbents to remove SO2 from flue gas. 本研究的结果有助于使用炉石/氢氧化钙作为吸收剂的乾式与半乾式除硫系统之设计与操作。
- Abstract: An economic method by which SO2 in a flue gas can be removed using the alkaline matters in bolder water from an industrial boiler house is introduced briefly. 文摘:简要介绍了工业锅炉房利用锅炉水中的碱性物质除去烟气中SO2的经济方法。
- The heterogeneous reactions are happened in the surface of small particle or aerosol of the flue gas,which improves the removals of SO2 and NOx. 烟气中的小颗粒或气溶胶表面发生的异相反应能够促进SO2和NOx的脱除。
- The SO2 removal process starts as the hot flue gas entering the absorber is cooled and saturated by the slurry falling from the absorption zone. 当热烟气进入吸收塔被冷却,被从吸收剂区落下的浆液渗透时,去除二氧化硫的工艺开始了。
- A number of metal oxide doped V2O5/AC catalysts for flue gas SO2 removal and elemental sulfur production during H2-regeneration were studied. 结果表明,在这类催化剂中,对烟气脱SO2起主要催化氧化作用的是V2O5,对H2再生硫磺制备起作用的是添加的金属氧化物。
- Based on atmospheric chemistry research, a method was presented to simultaneously oxidize NO and SO2 in flue gas by chain reactions. 基于大气化学的研究成果,本文提出了利用链式反应同步氧化烟气中NO和SO2的设想。
- An economic method by which SO2 in a flue gas can be removed using the alkaline matters in bolder water from an industrial boiler house is introduced briefly. 简要介绍了工业锅炉房利用锅炉水中的碱性物质除去烟气中SO2的经济方法。
- SO2 reacts with water and oxygen in flue gas to form sulphuric acid in a manner of adsorption and catalytic oxidation instead of simple physical adsorption. 活性焦以吸附催化氧化的方式而不是简单的物理吸附方式吸附SO2,使SO2与烟气中的水、氧气发生化学反应生成吸附态硫酸。
- The new technology is characterized by SO2 in flue gas being absorbed by the slurry of pyrolusite and manganese spar in a circulating absorbing tower with MnSO4 as a by-product. 摘要介绍软锰矿、菱锰矿吸收SO2烟气制取硫酸锰的新方法和新技术,在热电分厂锅炉排放烟气综合治理中的应用研究。
- Steam generation from this hot flue gas is a last resort option. 从这种高温烟道气生产蒸汽是一种最后的选择。
- SO2 in analog flue gas was first absorbed in aqueous sodium citrate solution in an absorption column and then recovered from the loaded solution in a desorption column. 模拟的烟气首先在吸收塔中用柠檬酸钠溶液脱硫,然后富液在解吸塔中释放出SO2,再生的缓冲液返回吸收塔循环使用。
- The major factors is excess air and flue gas temperature. 影响注汽锅炉运行热效率的主要因素是排烟温度和空气系数,测算分析表明,大部分注汽锅炉二者均超标。
- Deodorization of sewage treatment plant, incinerator flue gas. 污水处理场、焚化炉废气除臭。
- The emissions in the flue gas shall comply with EU directives. 烟气散发物应符合欧盟指标。
- A half-wet-half-dry flue gas desulfurization method is proposed. 重点研究了钙硫比、烟气温度、喷水量、加湿喷嘴位置对烟气脱硫效果的影响。
- The resulting flue gas is almost pure carbon dioxide. 产生的管道气体几乎仅仅是二氧化碳。
- Several flue gas desulphurization technologies are introduced. 介绍几种典型的烟气脱硫工艺。