- What type of SME financing is needed? 中小型企业需要什么形式的筹措资金?
- As a new financing model, SCF is unique in solving SMEs' financing dilemma. 作为一种新型融资模式,供应链融资在解决中小企业信贷融资难题上可谓独树一帜。
- In this paper, the status of financing for SMEs, the SME financing analysis factors. 本文针对中小企业融资难的现状,系统分析了中小企业融资难的主要原因。
- The financing mode of IPRs pledge loan provides a new way for the High-tech SMEs financing. 知识产权质押融资方式为科技型中小企业融资提供了新的途径。
- Wang Liming said that this year the Department of Public Works letter will build a multi-level SME financing service system. 王黎明说,今年工信部将积极构建中小企业多层次融资服务体系。
- The SFC will not only clear the GEM, but also suggested that "to promote SME financing to alleviate the problem", which is complementary to the launch of the GEM. 证监会此次不仅明确将推出创业板,而且还提出将"推动缓解中小企业融资难的问题",这与创业板的推出相辅相成。
- But, most of the study literatures about the SME financing issue focus on analyzing some phenomenon, and get some advice about a certain aspect, lacking of systems. 目前,针对中小企业融资难的问题及对策研究的文献很多,但是大多集中于某些表层原因的分析,并只在某一方面给出对策建议,缺乏系统性。
- In the Chapter I“General Introduction”, the author emphasis on the criteria of the SME, which is the primary criteria for banks to produce SME financing products and systems. 第一章“概述”中,笔者着重对中小企业的界定标准予以了讨论,这是银行制定中小企业融资产品和制度所必须首要确定的标准。
- In this paper, we review the literature of study in family-owned SMEs' financing behavior from the perspectives of financing strategy, familism, financing behavior and organization. 摘要通过对家族式民营中小企业融资行为的理论综述,从融资策略机制、家族主义的文化基础、以及企业融资方式和融资组织演化方面进行了理论的归纳和评述。
- Among the chapter 4 and 5, we analysis the impact on the SMEs financing decisions-making by the asymmetric information theory from the point of demander and supplier of capital respectively. 论文的第四章和第五章分别从资金需求者和资金供给者的角度出发,分析了信息不对称对中小企业融资决策的影响。
- As those reason, my article start with the reason analysis in how hard the SME financing is, in the same time, my article finding three most important reasons in the SME's financing. 最后,在解决中小企业融资问题中,国家的税收制度改革以及国家在政策对担保体系健全的促进也是非常必要的。
- In the short term (12 - 18 months) the government and bank response is not likely to have much direct effect on SME Finance. 短期来看(12-18个月),政府和银行不可能给中小企业融资带来很多直接影响。
- The Zymotic Model of SMEs Financing Credence Grading System 我国中小企业信用评级体系构建的发酵模式
- the(small and medium-sized enterprise) SME financing 中小企业融资
- Growth stages and financing needs of private SMEs. 民营中小企业的成长阶段及各阶段的融资需要。
- small-sized and medium-sized enterprises' financing (SMEs' financing) 中小企业融资
- We are financing for the housing project. 我们在为住宅计划筹措资金。
- A New Thought of the SMEs Finance in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省中小企业融资的一种新思路
- Ask SMEs to test the e-learning solution. 让专家自行测试。
- SMES could be classified in three categories. SMES可分成三类。