- 司红军SK集团中国事业办公室市场传讯经理Si Hongjun SK China Office for Corporate Management and Planning, Marketing and Communication Manager
- SK峰SK peak
- SK方程SK equation
- 他属于左翼集团。He belonged to the left-wing group.
- SK静态混合器kenics static mixer
- 经理试图把公司从集团中分出来。The manager tried to demerge the firm from the group.
- SK-RB-3细胞系SK-RB-3
- 骚乱是由一个偏激集团制造的。The disturbance was made by a fringe group.
- SK-A型液体防冻剂anti-icing fluid KS-A
- 他成了统治集团的替罪羊,被迫辞职。He was made a scapegoat of the ruling circles and compelled to resign.
- SK-克雷佩林心理测验SK-Kraepelin Psychological Test
- 商业集团a trade block
- 因此,它能在一种sk归约机上运行。Hence they can be executed on a SK reduction machine.
- 执政集团the in group
- 虽然我不是很了解他,但我觉得sk干得不错I dont know about evenstar really. I think its a good move by sk tho
- 农业集团the farm bloc
- SK系列跳汰机风阀控制器的开发及应用Development and Application of Air Valve Control for SK Series Jigs
- 他是这个集团中才华焕发的新进。He was a new and a brilliant recruit for their group.
- SK型静态混合器用于高黏度介质的强化传热Application of SK type static mixer to heating high viscosity medium
- 共同团体;集团A body corporate; a corporation.