- Braised Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Roe 虾仔烧海参
- Stew fried sea cucumber with shrimp roe 虾籽大乌参
- Braised Jumbo Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Roe 虾子大鸟参
- Sautéed Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Roe and Scallion 京葱虾籽烧辽参
- Sea Cucumbers with Shrimp Roe 虾子乌参
- Braised goose webs with sea cucumber and fish maw. 花胶海参烩鹅掌。
- And he walks up to a sea cucumber. 他走着去找海参。
- Clean the cordyceps and sea cucumber, set aside. 将冬虫夏草和海参洗净,备用。
- And sea cucumber,a typical Cantonese dish. 还有海参,这是地道的广东菜。
- Cook sea cucumber for a while to remove fishiness. 煮海参片刻以除去腥味。
- Sprinkle with fried shrimp roe, mix well before serving. Serve hot or cold. 将炒香虾子洒于烤麸内拌匀,上碟,可冷或热食。
- There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. |有一个软体动物和一个海参.
- In the waters of the Fiji Islands, an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber. 在斐济群岛的水域中,帝王虾和寄居蟹消失隐秘在大豹海参皮肤上豹纹中。
- Operating shrimp, shellfish, sea cucumber, abalone, shark's perishables such as fresh seafood by high-tech gift-oriented packaging storage processing. 以经营鲜虾,贝类,海参,鲍鱼,鱼翅等鲜活海产品经高科技保鲜储存加工包装礼品为主。
- Photograph by Tim Laman In the waters of the Fiji Islands, an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber. 在斐济群岛的水域中,帝王虾和寄居蟹消失隐秘在大豹海参皮肤上豹纹中。海参用它皮肤上的粘液提供食物给这些甲壳类动物,而当它受到威胁的时候,则会把有毒污秽的胃部器官喷射出来,以保护自己。
- I would like shark's fin and sea cucumber to be served. 请安排鱼翅和海参。
- Pan fry the scallions, minced garlic and carrots, then add the dried shrimp roe. 葱、蒜蓉及甘笋于镬中爆香,加入虾子同炒。
- There was this mollusk and he walks up to a sea cucumber. 有一个软体动物;他走着去找一个海参.
- Chueng Wing Kee's products are all produced by high-quality ingredients such as premium shrimp roe, whole abalones and dried scallops. 张荣记所出品的各式面食均用一级美加面粉配合上承材料如,顶级虾子、原只鲍鱼及瑶柱制成;