- surgical dressing room 外科敷料室
- A dressing room, cloakroom, or vestry. 穿衣室、藏衣室或者法衣室
- A thin,loosely woven surgical dressing,usually made of cotton. 纱布一种薄且稀疏的用于治疗的织物,通常由棉花做成
- That who shows fanatical worship to that actor has been crowded into his dressing room doorway. 对那位演员表示崇拜的狂热者们挤进了他的化妆室门口。
- A thin, loosely woven surgical dressing, usually made of cotton. 纱布一种薄且稀疏的用于治疗的织物,通常由棉花做成
- You can try it on in the dressing room. 你可以在更衣室试穿。
- What would you dream to see in your dressing room? 你在休息室里最想见谁?
- Let me try it on. Where's the dressing room? 让我试试吧。试衣室在哪儿?
- She darted into the women's dressing room. 她急冲冲赶到女化妆室。
- Thanks. Dad, I'll meet you in the dressing room. 谢谢你。爸爸,我们在更衣室见。
- A dressing room,cloakroom,or vestry. 穿衣室、藏衣室或者法衣室
- A building with dressing rooms for swimmers. 更衣室为游泳者提供换衣间的建筑物
- Excuse me where is the dressing room? 请问试衣间在哪儿?
- "Few have such a great dressing room space. “很少有更衣室会有这么大的空间。
- How many items can I take into the dressing room? 试衣间里可以试几件衣服?
- Gardiner's dressing room, after a prolonged prink. 梅格在加德纳夫人的梳妆室对镜理妆,好一会才转过身来说道。
- Motta was red carded in the dressing room. 可怜的莫塔,他都还没来得及还手。”
- I've left my diamond earring in the dressing room. 我的钻石耳环落在了更衣室里。
- Why does she go into the dress room? 她为什么到化妆室去?
- Why does she go into the dress room ? 她为什么到化妆室去?