- SC turbine 超临界汽轮机
- The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps. 燃气轮机以它所抽入的燃料为能源。
- A disadvantage of the turbine is that it is not reversible. 涡轮机的一个缺点就是它不可以反转。
- Rush of technical advances broadens sc. 图像传感器的发展及应用。
- SC Universe Bond Total Return Index. 球政府债券总回报指数。
- Process all sales orders and pays SC directly. 代表参展商与客户商谈,并下订单及支付货款。
- Then the steam passes into the turbine. 然后蒸气进入汽轮机。
- How long do you think Sc will be popular for? 你认为星际还能流行多久?
- Business at SC Food company is good. 食品公司经营的不错。
- The regenerated SC can be reused. SC再生后可循环使用。
- NST of SC group was higher than that of LW group. SC组动物的非颤抖性产热(NST)高 于LW组。
- The turbine is spun by the high-pressure gases. 涡轮由高压燃气驱动旋转。
- SC: What are the benefits of the project? 本刊:这项计划会带来什么好处呢?
- BSH SC in Nanjing will donate 75,000. 南京销售公司捐款七万五千元;
- SC: What about students overstaying their visas? 空英:那留学生逾期居留怎么办?
- Check no damage for fan blades and turbine blades. 检查风扇叶片和涡轮叶片无损坏迹象。
- SC: Which dialect is the most common? 空英:那么,那一种方言最为普遍?
- Cause Analysis of Cracks in Steam Turbine. 汽轮机转子裂纹原因分析及运行安全措施。
- ED6 SC Editor Folder name ED6_SORA. (译):ED6资深大律师编辑文件夹名称ED6_SORA.
- How do I make the turbine wheel? 如何制作涡轮?