- SARS epidemic in Guangzhou 广州SARS流行
- What we have leamt from SARS epidemics in China? 我们从中国SARS的流行中学到了什么?
- Before taking the quarantine measure,the estimated risk of a larger SARS epidemic in Amoy Gardens was 13.7-fold higher. 隔离措施实施之前;淘大花园SARS爆发的估计危险度是隔离措施实施后的13.;7倍。
- Property, which underpins the Hong Kong economy and the fortunes of most of its tycoons, has soared since the end of the Sars epidemic in 2003. 2003年“非典”过后,支撑香港经济和当地多数大亨财富的房地产行业飞速发展;
- Trends of STD epidemic in Guangzhou City 广州市性病流行趋势分析
- Research on the plague epidemic in Guangzhou(Canton)in 1894 1894年广州鼠疫考
- If we run out of money, we can sell some of them in Guangzhou. 如果我们钱用完了可以在广州卖掉几件。
- What is the SARS epidemic region? 什么是非典型肺炎流行区?
- Buy goods on the installment plan have become epidemic in recent year. 近几年来,用分期付款的办法购物十分流行。
- The Spring Export Commodities Fair closed in Guangzhou on May15. 春季出口商品交易会在5月15日于广州闭幕。
- Developing macro-economy and health care harmoniously cautioned by SARS epidemic in China 中国SARS疫情的启示:保持宏观经济与卫生的协调发展
- Global terrorism is now very epidemic in the world. 全球恐怖主义非常流行。
- Where can I hire a taxi in Guangzhou? 我在广州哪儿可以租到的士?
- Potential impact of quarantine measure on SARS epidemic in Amoy Gardens'estate in Hong Kong 香港淘大花园隔离措施对SARS流行的影响
- Many foreign merchants gathered in Guangzhou. 外商云集广州。
- It was displayed at the Fall Fair in Guangzhou. 它在广州秋季交易会上展出。
- Predictive Model of Psychological Behaviour during SARS Epidemic in the Mainland Released in Hong Kong for the First Time 科学院时勘教授首次在港发表沙士心理行为预测模型
- By the way,what's the weather like in Guangzhou? 顺便问一问,广州的天气怎么样?
- We stop over in Guangzhou to visit an old friend. 我们要在广州停留一下拜访一位老朋友。
- One epidemic that we haven't forgotten yet is the SARS epidemic of 2002/2003. 我们尚未忘记的一次传染病发作是2002年到2003年的SARS。