- SARS affected people 非典感染者
- Acne can affect people of all ages and races. 痤疮能影响所有年龄的人与赛事。
- This taxation will affect people on low incomes. 这项税收政策将会影响低收入人士。
- How will taxs affect people with low income? 税收将会如何影响低收入的人群?
- How will taxes affect people with low incomes? 税收将会如何影响低收入的人群?
- Later, it affected people in North America and Africa. 后来,它又感染了北美和非洲的人。
- Noise pollution has gravely affected people's health. 噪声污染严重影响人的身体健康。
- A spice of danger affects people in different ways. 危险的处境对人的影响各不相同。
- Depre ion affects people differently. 抑郁对人们的影响是不同的。
- It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely. 显而易见,这种不舒适的感觉必然给人们带来了不利的影响。
- It’s obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely2 . 很显然,这种不自在的感觉会对人们产生不利的影响。
- Several countries with good TB control programmes have shown that cure is possible for up to 30% of affected people. 具有良好结核控制规划的若干国家已显示,有可能治愈多达30%25的受感染者。
- You may like to eat durian but never realize the smell of durian can affect people around you. 你可能爱吃榴莲,但从未想到过榴莲的气味会影响到你周围的人。
- Formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and radioactive pollution' superscale have seriously affected people's health. 甲醛、苯、氨气和放射性污染超标已经严重影响了人们的健康。
- Indeed, from the highest party level downwards, the concern for the affected people was clearly evident. 实际上,从执政党的最高层向下,对民生的关注已经非常明显。
- The AIDS virus affects people who are particularly vulnerable. AIDS病毒侵袭那些特别易感的人。
- Rheumatism affects people living in damp localities. 住在潮湿地区的人易患风湿病。
- This prompted affected people, such as those around Khavda and Maliya, to pick up the pieces themselves. 这使得人们,在印度地震灾区附近的人们,去自己动手做一些修补工作。
- Revenge to innocent people is not a solution of different point of views in politics of civilized world. Mourn for deaths and affected people! 在文明社会下不应以向无辜人民进行报复解决意见分歧。悼念死伤者!
- The virus soon spread from the pigs to their keepers, causing extreme brain inflammation and killing 40 percent of the affected people. 病毒迅速由猪传染给了饲养员,引起了严重的大脑炎,感染的人群中有40%25丧命。