- A SAR image collected in Niigata Japan was studied with our method. 利用该方法的几种特例,可以进一步分析SAR图像中不同目标的一次、二次散射成分。
- SAR image collected in Niigata Japan was studied with our method. 利用该方法的几种特例,可以进一步分析SAR图像中不同目标的一次、二次散射成分。
- SAR image edge withdrawing is a important content of image proceesion. SAR图像的边缘提取是其图像处理的一项重要内容。
- Target feature-enhanced processing of SAR image is meaningful to SAR ATR. 增强SAR图像的目标特征对自动目标识别等具有重要意义。
- SAR ATR is an important aspect of automatic or semi-automatic SAR image interpretation. SAR ATR是自动或半自动SAR图像解译研究的一个重要方面。
- The segmentation of SAR target chip image is an important process for target recognition based on SAR image. SAR目标切片图像分割是基于SAR图像目标识别的一个重要步骤。
- The experimental result proves that the proposed method is effective in edge detection of SAR image. 实验结果表明该方法是一种有效的SAR图像边缘检测方法。
- ERS SAR images are used to test our detection algorithm. ERS SAR图像用于验证本文算法。
- At the same time, this paper qualitatively analyses various jamming effect on SAR image. 有源欺骗干扰主要包括转发式干扰、应答式干扰和散射波干扰。
- Underwater topography detection with SAR image is one of the important applications of SAR in the oceanic research. 现有的水下地形SAR探测是基于单景SAR影像开展的,探测结果不能全面反映水下地形。
- Abstract: In this paper, a new method of speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR image is proposed. 摘 要: 提出了一种新的极化SAR图像相干斑抑制的方法。
- It has been proved that using polarimetric information can improve performance of SAR image processing and application. 相干斑问题是SAR和极化SAR图像中多年来一直研究的一个问题,相干斑抑制对SAR和极化SAR图像后处理有着极为重要的影响。
- Multi-paired echoes will appear on the SAR image when antenna boresight pointing function contains multi-frequencies. 另外,距离向波束指向抖动,会使距离模糊度变差;
- The application of SAR image is greatly limited because of the existence of coherent speckle. 斑点噪声的存在使得SAR图像的应用受到较大的限制。
- This paper presents an algorithm about SAR image change detection based on Principal Component Analysis(PCA). 该文提出一种基于主分量分析(PCA)的SAR图像变化检测算法。
- This paper deals with coherent speckle reduction in high resolution SAR image based on wavelet transform. 论述了基于小波变换对高分辨率合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像的相干斑噪声进行抑制。
- In this paper, a new method of speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR image is proposed. 提出了一种新的极化SAR图像相干斑抑制的方法。
- This parameter can be employed for ship detection and bridge detection from a polarimetric SAR image. 该参数能在河流区域很好地进行舰船检测与桥梁检测。
- The spatial Fourier decomposition method is a new method for the SAR imaging. 空间傅里叶分解法是一种新的合成孔径雷达(ar)象方法。
- This jamming method can realize two-dimensional jamming in range and azimuth,and cause the SAR image ambiguous... 最后通过计算机仿真验证了干扰机转发地物散射波干扰的干扰效果。