- SAM Intercept Missile 萨母防空截击导弹
- The confirming of damage zone of is one of the most important problems in the course of SAM intercepting the tactical ballistic missile. 如何有效确定地空导弹反导杀伤区一直是地空导弹反导作战过程中一个难题,因此提出一种确定杀伤区的仿真方法。
- What does the "Intercept Missiles" function of the Predator do exactly? 什么是"导弹拦截"技能,掠夺者如何做到这点?
- SPRINT (Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept Missile) 固体推进火箭截击导弹
- Once again, something wrong happened to an American interception missile. 美国又出现一起截击导弹故障事例。
- Air Launched Intercept Missile Record System 空中发射拦截导弹记录系统
- Coffin-Launched Intercept Missile 长箱发射拦截导弹
- Minimum Mobile Intercept Missile 微型机动拦截导弹
- Experimental Air Intercept Missile 实验空中拦截导弹
- Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept Missile 固体推进剂火箭拦截导弹
- Air Intercept Missile Evaluation 空中拦截导弹鉴定
- Air-Launched Intercept Missile Record System 空中发射拦截导弹记录系统
- Sam was so nervous today; he was all thumbs. 萨姆今天太紧张,做事笨手笨脚的。
- Sam and his wife busted up a year ago. 萨姆和他的妻子一年前就关系破裂了。
- Air Combat Evaluation Air Intercept Missile Evaluation 空战鉴定与空中拦截火箭鉴定
- I asked where Sam was, but she just shrugged. 我问她萨姆在哪儿,她只耸了耸肩。
- Sam flicked through a magazine while he waited. 萨姆一边等著一边翻阅杂志。
- He said (that) his friend's name was Sam. 他说他朋友的名字叫山姆。
- The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。
- Now, no.6 is running up to intercept. 现在6号正要上前去拦截。