- Application of AVO attributes to wave impedance inversion processing. 应用AVO属性数据进行波阻抗反演处理。
- By comparing the acoustic wave impedance with the VSP (vertical seismic profile), the reflectors of the CCSD pilot hole have been analyzed. 分析结果表明(1)岩性间波阻抗差异产生反射波,如榴辉岩与副片麻岩之间波阻抗差异;
- The acoustic wave impedance coefficient is recovered from the incomplete data of the far field pattern. 对于系数反问题进行了研究,利用远场模式的不完全数据反演声波阻尼系数。
- The modeling result demonstrates that the azimuthal interface is also wave impedance interface. 模拟结果表明方位界面也是波阻抗界面。
- Wave impedance and firmness coefficient can be used to describe the rock blastability simply and effectively. 为了简单而准确描述岩体的可爆性,可采用波阻抗和坚固性系数来划分岩体的可爆性。
- The precision of seismic wave impedance inversion can be improved by applying the new genetic algorithm. 使用改进的遗传算法对地震波阻抗进行反演,可很好地提高反演的精度。
- The paper describes the principle of wave impedance estimation using self-adap-tive filtering. 本文介绍了自适应滤波法波阻抗估计的基本原理。
- E wave,A wave,E/A ratio,DT,IVRT,RFP,RFP/E,S wave,D wave,Vs/Vd,FVTIs,ARV and ARD/AD were detected in everyone. 对照组 2 2人在心尖四腔心切面测量E峰和A峰并计算E/A比值、E峰减速时间 (DT)、等容舒张时间 (IVRT)、彩色M型多普勒测量血流播散速率 (RFP) ,计算RFP/E。
- The tomographic images in different depths show that the P, S wave velocity perturbation orientates NW direction. 成像结果表明:不同深度的P波、S波速度扰动呈北西向展布特征;
- The elliptical polarized wave and two types of wave impedance in the near field of current sources of an electric and a magnetic Hertz dipoles combination. 一赫芝电偶极加上一赫芝磁偶极在近场之椭圆极向波与两种波阻抗。
- Through analyzing the wave impedance data and logging interpretation data,the relations of the former to the reservoir parameters were established. 通过对波阻抗数据和测井解释资料的分析,建立起波阻抗数据与储层参数的相关关系。
- And the special phenomena such as the S wave splitting, the blind points of the S wave splitting and wavefront triplication are dearly observed. 而慢纵波在固相和流相中的相位相反,即慢纵波在流相中振幅大,而在固相中的振幅较小。
- In the present dissertation, W-Mo-Ti-Mg system flier-plate with graded wave impedance was chosen as the disquisitive object. 论文选用W-Mo-Ti-Mg系波阻抗梯度飞片作为研究对象。
- The S wave velocity decrease slightly,and gener ally,first,its amplitude and energy decrease,then increase,and its center freque ncy remains the same. 在接近注满水时,出现特殊的高频初至小波,而S波速度略有减小,波幅和波谱能量则一般是先降后升,主频基本没有变化。
- The post -stack seismic wave impedance inversion methods are classified based on the fundamentals and realization ways of the inversion software. 根据反演软件的基本原理及实现方式,对叠后地震波阻抗反演方法进行了分类研究。
- It is important the application of six-port reflectometers in measurement of wave impedance and cross-domain communication parameter. 摘要在微波阻抗与网络参量测量方面,反射计应用举足轻重;
- The P wave impedance forward modeling technique is a conventional forward method based on reflection coefficient calculation. 波阻抗模型正演技术是一种基于反射系数计算的传统正演技术。
- Based on the S wave velocity structures of different paths and former data, we infer that the subduction of the Indian Plate is delimited nearby the Yalung Zangbo suture zone. 根据不同路径的 S波速度结构和前人的资料 ,我们认为印度板块的俯冲可能以雅鲁藏布缝合带附近为界
- The crack porosity and closed pressure obtained by the experim ent provided the basic data for understanding anisotropy of rocks, S wave splitt ing and crust dynamics. 实验得到的裂纹孔隙率和岩石裂纹的闭合压力,为了解岩石各向异性、S波分裂以及地壳动力学提供了基础数据。
- Combined with the examples of wave impedance inversion in LMZ area, a curve recomposition method was introduced in this paper, whichincluding curve sifting, data standardizat... 该文结合LMZ地区的波阻抗反演实例,介绍了一种曲线重构方法,主要包括曲线整理、数据标准化、曲线分析和数据重构等步骤。