- Ruth seemed part amused. 露丝看上去有些迷惑。
- Ruth had dried her eyes, she regarded him now with an expression which seemed part amused, part sorrowful. 露丝已经揩干眼泪,喜怨参半地打量着他。
- Ruth seemed part sorrowing. 露丝看上去有些遗憾。
- Ruth seemed very near to him in that moment. 在那一瞬间露丝似乎跟他近在咫尺了。
- They seemed part of herd, undistinguished. 他们似乎只是一群凡夫俗子。
- The more he had chattered, the more remote had Ruth seemed to him. 他越是唠叨露丝就似乎离他越远。
- Even the stores seem part of a grander plan to keep gathering data. 连商店都看起来象是不断搜集信息的宏大计划的一部分。
- District heating, which always seemed part of the establishment in Germany, is finally coming under pressure from government cutbacks. The massive funding made available to reinstate the crumbling networks in former East Germany came to an end in 1995. 分区供暖似乎一直作为德国传统方式的一部分,但由于政府削减经费终于面临紧张的局面。为改造前东德的破烂不堪的管道而投入的大量资金于1995年终止。
- Even if the events to which the third part of the Secret of Fatima refers now seem part of the past, Our Lady's call to conversion and penance, issued at the beginning of the20 th century, remains timely and urgent today. 即使事件是法蒂玛第三部分的秘密,现在看起来也是成为过去的一部分,圣母在二十世纪初已经呼吁归皈和忏悔,今天仍然是及时和急迫的。
- Seemingly parting forever,but accompanying for life. 仿佛永远分离,却又终身相伴。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- What makes Shevchenko's position more difficult is that he is seemingly part of some greater machinations behind the scenes. 我能回答的就是对一个前锋来说,他的处境很惨。我在巴撒最后的一段时期,也是这样的处境。
- Ruth likes to show people up in public. 露丝喜欢使别人当众出丑。
- Indeed, it seems part of the American Dream to become rich enough to wrap oneself in so much tanklike armor that one barely feels the bump of the riffraff undertire. 确实,美国梦似乎包括这一条:要赚够多的钱,把自己包裹在坦克车似的装甲中,在车辆碾过一些无赖时连一点震动都感觉不到。
- My best regards to you and Ruth. 谨向您和鲁思问候。
- She seemed greatly amused by his jokes. 她似乎被他的笑话逗得很开心。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- They seemed part of herd, undistinguished 他们似乎只是一群凡夫俗子。
- It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her. 他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。