- Rusty chain on trellised gates. 荒疏链条图片 rusty chain.
- He put a chain on Lady and took her out for a walk. 他替蕾蒂上链子,带她出去散步。
- He hung the key chain on his waistband. 他把钥匙链挂在当腰。
- They are heaping chain on chain around the limbs of their subjects. 他们在自己臣民的手脚上套上更多的锁链。
- Remember to put the chain on the door when you lock it. 锁门时别忘挂防盗链。
- Walk out the port anchor chain on the water surface. 松出左锚锚链到水面。
- Calculation of wear life of driving chain on drilling rigs. 石油钻机传动链条磨损寿命的计算
- Double ways zipper with brass chain on the chest pockets. 胸口连著金鍊双开拉鍊非常显眼!!
- You lift the chain on the locket NEVER touching the locket itself. 您解除链上的锁不要触摸锁本身。
- Sam looked around the room and saw rusty chains and thick bolts in the rough brick walls. 山姆打量房间四周,看到生锈的椅子和砖墙上粗大的门闩。
- Cribbed and barred and moored by massive rusty chains, the prison-ship seemed in my young eyes to be ironed like the prisoners. 这艘监狱船被粗大生锈的铁链锁着。拦着,停泊在那里。在我幼小的心灵中,这船就好像是戴着镣铐的犯人。
- Somebody says, "Hey, I'll give you something convenient if you buckle a chain on. 如果你愿意再扣上这锁炼,我就给你一个很方便的好东西。"
- I saw him make by the gate on his bicycle. 我看见他骑自行车从大门旁边过去了。
- I decked thee also with ornaments, and I put bracelets upon thy hands, and a chain on thy neck. 又用妆饰打扮你,将镯子戴在你手上,将金链戴在你项上。
- In the center of the hall the huge ugly lamp, hanging from the ceiling by rusty chains, was completely transformed by twining ivy and wild grapevines that were already withering from the heat. 大厅中央的那盏吊灯又大又难看,挂在一些从天花板垂下来的生锈的链条上,可是它已经用盘走的常春藤和野萄萄藤打扮得完全变样了,这些藤蔓尽管由于灯火熏烤已经在枯萎。
- Thus one simple fact, a change in the number of bison, had an effect on the whole wildlife chain on the plains. 因此,这样一个简单的事实-----野牛数目的变化----对平原的整个野生生物链都产生了影响。
- The creaking of the door on rusty hinges jars on my ears. 铰链生锈的门发出吱嘎吱嘎的声使我感到很不舒服。
- Some smell of kerosene oil and wear thick silver watch chains on their vests . 有些身上尽是些煤油气,身上都带有粗的银链子的;
- There are soldiers on guard at the gate. 大门口有士兵在守卫。
- The rusty hinges grated as the gate swung back. 大门荡了回去,生锈的铰链发出吱嘎吱嘎的刺耳声。