- Conclusions The Lingzhi decoction is very effective to protect rat's kidney damaged by russula subnigricans. 结论灵芝煎剂对亚稀褶黑菇中毒大鼠肾脏有明显的保护作用。
- Keywords Mushroom poisoning;Amanita fuliginea;Russula subnigricans; 关键词蘑菇中毒;灰花纹鹅膏菌;亚稀褶黑菇;
- Keywords Russula subnigricans;poisoning;Ganoderma lucidum decoction; 亚稀褶黑菇;中毒;灵芝煎剂;
- Clinical Observation on Treatment of Russula Subnigricans Poisoning Patients by Ganoderma Lucidum Decoction 灵芝煎剂治疗亚稀褶黑菇中毒患者的临床观察
- Keywords Lingzhi decoction;russula subnigricans;SD rats;acute poisoning;protecting kidney; 灵芝煎剂;亚稀褶黑菇;SD大鼠;急性中毒;肾脏保护;
- Russula subnigricans 亚稀褶黑菇
- Isolation of Mycellia from Wild Russula sp. 野生红菇菌丝体分离技术研究。
- Studies on Liquid Fermentation Conditions of Russula puellaris Pr. 广东野生可食红菇液体发酵条件研究。
- Title: Studies on Liquid Fermentation Conditions of Russula puellaris Pr. 关键词:红菇;菌丝体;培养条件;液体发酵
- The ITS sequence can be used as identification method for R. subnigricans and R. nigricans. ITS序列分析方法可以作为两者的鉴定方法。
- Description of the Form of the Symbiont Formed by the Roots of Castanopsis hystrix and Russula spp. 红菇与红锥形成的根共生体形态的描述。
- Optimization of Medium for Mycelia Growth and Polysaccharides Production by Submerged Fermentation of Russula sp. 深层发酵生产红菇菌丝体和多糖的培养基优化研究。
- Effect of initial pH and culture time on production of polysaccharide by submerged fermentation of Russula sp. pH值及培养时间对红菇多糖深层发酵的影响。
- The result shows that the mycorrhiza formed by the symbiosing roots of Castanopsis hystrix and Russula spp. 红菇与红锥的根共生形成的菌根属外生菌根,分叉形状为单轴状,颜色呈浅黄褐色,菌根表面呈波纹状突起。
- Russula is a kind of important ecotomycorrhi zal fungi.Many species of this genus have edible and pharmaceutical value. 红菇属是一类重要的外生菌根真菌,许多种具有食用和药用价值。
- Raman Spectrum Analysis of Single Russula Spores Based on Optical Tweezers and Raman Spectroscopy[J]. 引用该论文 王桂文;彭立新;姚辉璐;黎永青.
- If the quality of the mother and Russula squid stew, more beauty beauty, nourishing women "months," the effect. 若将上等的鱿鱼母与红菇炖汤,更有养颜美容,滋补妇女“月内”之功效。
- Henan Province is situated in the transition zone of subtropic and temperate zone with a lot of species of Russula genus. 河南省位于暖温带和亚热带的过渡地带,因此红菇属的种类分布较为丰富。
- Abstract: Russula is a kind of important ecotomycorrhi zal fungi.Many species of this genus have edible and pharmaceutical value. 文摘:红菇属是一类重要的外生菌根真菌,许多种具有食用和药用价值。
- When aseptic water was taken as extractant,the extract fromthe fruitbodies of Russula only had inhibition to Aspergill us niger. 红菇子实体的浸提法提取液只对黑曲霉有一定的抑制作用。