- Russian ethnic of XinJiang 新疆俄罗斯族
- To take you to a place in Ili of Xinjiang and. 在新疆伊犁的。
- Narat Pastureland of Xinjiang China. 来到新疆那拉提大草原,...
- different ethnic of Xinjiang 不同民族
- Urumqi Marketing Center of Xinjiang Mobile Communication Co., Ltd. 新疆移动通讯乌鲁木齐营销服务中心。
- She comes from the Zhuang ethnic group in the southern part of Xinjiang. 她是来自南疆的壮族女孩。
- Turkey has close ethnic ties with Uighurs, a mostly Muslim Turkic minority in the northwestern Chinese region of Xinjiang. 土耳其与生活在中国西北的新疆、基本上为穆斯林突厥的维吾尔少数民族有着密切的民族纽带。
- Rioting rooted in ethnic tension in the northwest province of Xinjiang killed 156 and wounded at least 1,100, according to Chinese officials. 据中国官员称,在西北省份新疆由种族紧张引起的骚乱已造成156人死亡,至少1100人受伤。
- Chinese state media say the government in the western region of Xinjiang has declared a curfew following ethnic unrest that has paralyzed the main city of Urumqi. 中国官方媒体说,新疆自治区政府宣布戒严;此前新疆地区发生民族骚乱,使新疆主要城市乌鲁木齐陷于瘫痪。
- Ethnic Uyghur residents in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang, took to the streets Sunday afternoon in a rare public protest that prompted a police lock-down of the city. 维吾尔民族居民在乌鲁木齐,新疆首府走上街头星期日下午在一次罕见的公开抗议,促使警方锁定的城市。
- Chinese prosecutors have charged 11 people in connection with a factory brawl that led to deadly ethnic unrest in the northwestern province of Xinjiang. 中国检察官指控11人和一次工厂斗殴有关,这场斗殴导致了西北部新疆地区致命的民族骚乱。
- He plans to travel to the North of Xinjiang in the summer vacation. 他暑假准备去北疆游玩。
- This carpet is of Russian style. 这块地毯是俄国风格的。
- The population was not very large, only occupying a small proportion of Xinjiang total population, but they positively entered the social life of Xinjiang and eventually fonned the nationality of Russian. 这些俄罗斯人绝对数量不多,仅占新疆总人口的一小部分,但他们积极地融入近代新疆的社会生活,最终形成新疆的俄罗斯族。
- The Hou ethnic of Liao included people from Zhiboli family, Yishiyi family and Hezhisagulu family, which were powerful families before and after Qidan dynasty. 摘要辽代后族是指拔里家族、乙室已家族和刺只撒古鲁家族,三族均为契丹建国前后的强盛家族。
- Many people have heard of Tianchi in the Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang. 许多人听说过新疆天山山脉上的天池。
- The police did not identify the ethnicity of the suspects. 警察没有确定这些嫌疑犯的民族。
- She related some of her experiences in Xinjiang. 她讲了讲自已在新疆的一些经历。
- Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的
- Journal of Xinjiang University. Philosophy and social sciences edition. 新疆大学学报.;哲学社会科学版。