- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority. 专制如同或被专制者统治; 绝对权力或权威
- Religious rule by a group of ranked clergy. 按教士等级实行的宗教统治
- The party representative had been well primed with the facts by party headquarters. 党代表已经掌握了总部提供的事实。
- Government based on rule by elders. 老年人统治的政府
- Don't allow yourself to be ruled by emotion. 不要感情用事。
- The king claimed to rule by divine right. 国王声称自己是神授王权执掌朝政的。
- The country is ruled by a leftist government. 这个国家由一个急进派的政府统治。
- For years the country was ruled by a tyrant. 这个国家被一个暴君统治了好多年。
- ABide by Party discipline; do not pursue liberalism. 坚持党的纪律,反对自由主义
- Increase his rule by gentlest summer means. 加速着他的统治,用夏日的最温和的手。
- Pre-audit fee shall be paid by Party A before the pre-audit. 预审费于预审核前支付。
- The nation or territory ruled by an emir. 酋长国酋长管辖的国家和地区
- Government or rule by a single person;autocracy. 独裁政治一人的政府或统治;独裁
- The potential for wrangling is heightened by party politics. 党派政治加剧了冲突的可能性。
- The undermentioned project is consigned by Party A to Party B. 本工程由甲方委托乙方总承包及施工。
- Don't let yourself be ruled by your feelings in this matter. 在这件事上,你不要受自己的感情左右。
- Instead, Mr Razaleigh's candidacy was quashed by party chiefs. 但是政党首领却大刀阔斧,削去了拉沙理的候选资格。
- All citizens of the United Kingdom are ruled by the laws thereof. 英联盟的全体公民都受联盟法律的约束。
- The generals tried to cow opposition to their military rule by imprisoning their leaders. 这些将军通过监禁领导人来威吓反对军事统治的人。