- Rufous Babblern. 棕鸫鹛
- Sermon Title: What is this babbler trying to say? 讲道题目:这胡言乱语的要说甚麽?
- There is some rufous blood on the floor. 地面上有一片惨红的血迹。
- And some said, What would this babbler wish to say? 有的说,他似乎是传说异邦鬼神的。
- Some of them asked, "What is this babbler trying to say? 有的说:“这胡言乱语的要说什麽?”
- It differs in the smaller size of all parts and rufous scabrous tomentum. 它在全株各部分较小和红棕色的粗糙的绒毛层的方面不同。
- Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment; and a babbler is no better. 11未行法术以先,蛇若咬人,后行法术也是无益。
- A gossip reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a babbler. 往来传舌的泄漏密事,大张嘴的,不可与他结交。
- It is commonly rufous, blade fleshy, pour egg form to grow, because appearance resembles a horse,age and get a name. 一般为红褐色,叶片肥厚,为长倒卵形,因为样子像马齿而得名。
- But the Rufous Hummingbird migrates the longest distance, from Mexico to Alaska and back, totaling 5,000 miles. 但是棕煌蜂鸟才是迁徙最长距离的蜂鸟,牠们从墨西哥飞到阿拉斯加后又飞回的距离总计五千英里。
- Adult: Tail unbarred pale rufous above, slightly paler and greyer below; broad black band along trailing edge of wing. 成鸟:尾羽上部淡棕色,无条纹,下部稍淡而发灰,翼外缘有宽的黑色镶边。
- The rufous and white fringes of mantle and scapulars are not well-defined (meaning, not V-shaped). 亚成鸟上背和肩羽处会有明显的白线,照片中没有。
- Pedicel with sparse wispy rufous tomentum; corolla lobes 5; stamens 10; ovary densely glandular-hairy; style glabrous. 花梗有稀少小捆状的红棕色的绒毛层;花冠裂片5;雄蕊10;子房密被腺毛;花柱无毛
- All pale and many rufous morphs have pale head and breast and progressively darker belly. 所有的淡色型和许多棕色型头部和胸部苍白色,胁部渐次发黑。
- A group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers began to dispute with him.Some of them asked, "What is this babbler trying to say? 伊壁鸠鲁和斯多亚两个学派的哲学家和保罗谈论之后,反应不一。
- These modifying genes are called rufous polygenes and act like, well, a collection of checkers (lets say red and white checkers). 这些修改基因叫做红褐色因子群,它们的控制造用就象一个棋子组合(红和白的跳棋子)。
- This is probably a Korean/Manchurian Bush Warbler due to rufous crown and bright upperparts. I meant the bird on the other thread was a Japanese. 这可能是只韩国/远东树莺;因为赤褐色的头顶和明亮的背面.;我的意思是在另一个讨论串中的鸟是日本树莺
- And some said, What will this babbler say? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection. 有的说,这胡言乱语的要说什么。有的说,他似乎是传说外邦鬼神的。这话是因保罗传讲耶稣,与复活的道。
- Leaf blade obovate, elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, indumentum thin, felted, brown to rufous, especially on adaxial surface. Fl. Jun. 倒卵形的叶片,椭圆形,或长圆状椭圆形的,毛被薄,毡合,棕色到红棕色,特别在正面上花期6月
- Upperwing has pale greyish-white primary bases and often pale rufous or yellowish-brown forewing, paler than dark grey flight-feathers. 翼上初级飞羽呈现灰白色,翼前缘经常为淡棕色或黄棕色,比飞羽的深灰色要浅。