- Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand 新西兰皇家学会会员
- The Photograhpic Society of New Zealand Inc. 新西兰摄影学会。
- Royal Society of New Zealand 新西兰皇家科学院
- He has been awarded the Australian Academy of Science Fenner Medal,Edgeworth David Medal by the Royal Society of New South Wales, and the H.G.Andrewartha Medal by the Royal Society of South Australia. 他曾获颁澳洲科学院芬纳奖章,新南威尔斯皇家学会,埃奇华兹.;大卫奖章和南澳皇家学会安德烈沃斯奖章。
- Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand 新西兰药剂师协会
- Entomological Society of New Zealand 新西兰昆虫学会
- The earliest people of New Zealand is Maori. 新西兰最早的居民是毛利人。
- Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768. 库克于1768年绘制了新西兰的海岸图。
- Describe the National flag of New Zealand. 描述新西兰的国旗。
- Who's the sovereign of New Zealand? 新西兰的君主是谁?
- What is the capital of New Zealand? 新西兰的首都是哪个城市?
- What's the population of New Zealand? 新西兰的人口有多少?
- What's the total area of New Zealand? 新西兰的面积有多大?
- Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. 威灵顿是新西兰的首都。
- Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. 新西兰公开科技大学。
- In 1998, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Academy of Sciences. 1998年,他当选为加拿大皇家学会科学院特殊会员。
- The kiwi is the native bird of New Zealand. 几维是新西兰德国鸟。
- In 1820, the Earl of Morton, FRS, communicated to the Royal Society of London, UK, a "singular fact". 1820年,FRS的莫顿伯爵,写信给英国伦敦皇家学会,称他发现了一个"奇异的事情"。
- Wellington is the capital of New Zealand . 惠灵顿是新西兰的首都。.
- In 1820, the Earl of Morton, FRS, communicated to the Royal Society of London, UK, a “singular fact”. 1820年,FRS的莫顿伯爵,写信给英国伦敦皇家学会,称他发现了一个"奇异的事情"。