- Royal Lao Army 老挝皇家陆军
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- Lao Zhang did not immediately speak his mind. 老张没有马上把心里话讲出来。
- Now Lao Jiao took even more interest in his job. 现在老焦对工作兴趣更大了。
- The royal palace was filled with intrigue. 皇宫中充满了勾心斗角。
- Lao Sun suddenly slipped out of the hall. 老孙突然从礼堂溜了出来。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- Lao Wu came for her at her lodgings. 老吴到她的住处来接她。
- This document carries the royal seal. 这份文件上盖有王室印章。
- They gave us a right royal welcome. 他们非常隆重地欢迎了我们。
- The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 这支军队击败了比他们强大得多的敌军,赢得了奇迹般的胜利。
- The new law has received the royal assent. 新的法规已得到国王的批准。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。
- She is a member of the Royal College of Nursing. 她是皇家护士协会的会员。
- The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 战争结束时,军队即被解散。
- The coach bears the royal coat of arms. 这辆大马车上有王室的盾形纹章。
- He served one month with the Air Army in Kuwait. 他在科威特的空军里服役1个月。
- Several gifts were bestowed on the royal visitors. 向皇室来客赠送了几件礼物。
- I afterwards heard from Lao Li that this was not the case. 后来我听老李说,情况并不如此。