- Royal Australian Naval College 澳大利亚皇家海军学院
- During the attack two Royal Australian Naval vessels, Kelat and Mavie, were sunk. 空袭中澳大利亚皇家海军舰艇克拉特和玛威被击沉。
- The first deployment of Australian Naval Ships occurred in October 1939 when the Royal Australian Naval Flotilla left Sydney for the Mediterranean to join a British naval force. 澳大利亚海军军舰的第一次部署是在1939年10月,当时皇家澳大利亚海军小舰队离开悉尼去地中海加入英国海军。
- Women's Royal Australian Naval Service 澳大利亚皇家海军妇女勤务(队)
- It used to be the Royal Naval College. 它过去曾是皇家海军学院。
- In this talk I will describe the steps taken by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) to implement such changes. 在这个讨论中,我将描述澳大利亚和新西兰精神科医师皇家协会完成这些变化的步骤。
- The newly-weds shared a romantic moment aboard a boat on the Thames en route to the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. 这对新婚夫妇享受了从泰晤士河到格林威治老皇家海军学院的一段浪漫之旅。
- Tourists float down the River Dart, also known as "English Rhine," through the verdant valley that meanders past the coastal town of Dartmouth, home of England's Britannia Royal Naval College and an important port since the Norman Conquest. 游客们沿着达特河顺流而下,达特河又被称为“英格兰的莱茵河”,流经那被翠绿山谷蜿蜒环抱的海滨城镇达特姆斯,该城是英格兰布利特安娜皇家海军学院的发源地,同时也是诺曼人征服时期的重要港口。
- I was attached to the naval college as a special instructor for six months. 我在海军学院当了六个月的特约教官。
- From the left) Prof Bernard LIM with representatives of Royal Australian Institute of Architects and Mr. Duncan PESCOD. 左起)林云峰教授、澳洲皇家建筑师学会的代表、柏志高先生。
- The two officials were not on the Garuda Airlines flight but remained in Jakarta and have been traveling on a Royal Australian Air Force plane, department sources told CNN. 这两个部长并没有在此次的航班之上,他们留在了雅加达,由皇家空军负责他们的交通,有关部门告诉CNN。
- In what must be the bravest and most futile display of courage by a vessel of the Royal Australian Navy the Yarra was sunk and 138 men, including the Captain died. 在澳大利亚皇家水军一次可称为最勇敢也是最徒劳的勇气的表现的行动中,雅拿号沉没了,138个人,包括船长都丧失了生命。
- The Admiralty took over the buildings in 1890 and the Naval College was created in 1893. 英国海军部于1890年接管了那栋大厦,在并于1893年创建了海军学院。
- Louise served as President of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA) from 1994 to 1995 and she currently chairs the RAIA National Heritage Committee. 1994年至1995年任澳大利亚建筑师协会主席,现任RAIA国家遗产委员会主席。
- In 1985 China purchased the 17,000-ton former Royal Australian Navy aircraft carrier, HMAS Melbourne as scrap, and she was finally broken up in Dalian, China. 1985年;中国购买了1.;7万吨;前澳大利亚皇家海军的航空母舰;驱逐舰墨尔本作为废铁;她终于打破了大连
- The chapel of the Royal Naval College 皇家海军学院礼拜堂
- During the first few months of the war in 1939, the British Admiralty requested the ships of the Royal Australian Navy be despatched for war service in the European and Mediterranean waters. 1939年在战争开始的几个月期间,英国的海军部要求澳大利亚皇家海军派遣船只为在欧洲和地中海水域中战时服役。
- Kevin and Liz have two children, a daughter, Kasha (1978), who works as a youth counsellor with Boys Town in Sydney, and a son, Kingsley (1980), who is a Lieutenant in the Royal Australian Navy. 凯文*约翰*稀缺出生于1952年的阿德莱德和幼儿期在伍默拉度过。他在伊丽莎白东小学,然后在伊利沙伯中学读书,在那里,他于1968年加入了澳大利亚皇家海军。
- Terence P Byrnes is qualified as both a Charterd Architect and specialist Urban Planner,he is a Fellow of the Royal Australian Institute of Architecture and the Planning Institute of Australia. 特里.;柏恩思是同时被授予特许建筑师和专业城市规划师双重身份的学者,他是澳大利亚皇家建筑研究院委员及澳大利亚规划研究院委员。
- Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 皇家澳新精神病专业学院