- Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service 亚历山德拉女王皇家海军护理勤务
- Officers of Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service 亚历山大皇家海军护理服务处官员
- Royal Naval Nursing Service 皇家海军护理勤务
- It used to be the Royal Naval College. 它过去曾是皇家海军学院。
- He joined the Royal Naval Air Service as an aircraft mechanic in 1915 after his mother died. 1915年妈妈去世后,他作为一名技师,参加了英国皇家海军空军勤务工作。
- He joined the Royal Naval Air Service in 1915 and was posted two years later to service and rescue aircraft that crashed behind the trenches at Ypres and the Somme. 他于1915年加入英国皇家海军航空队并在2年后正式为组织效力,他在伊普雷河与索姆河交接处的战壕后参加坠落飞机的抢救工作。
- Allingham was a founding member of today's Royal Air Force, which was formed in 1918 when the Royal Naval Air Service merged with the Royal Flying Corps. 阿林厄姆是当今英国空军的创始成员之一,该军种是由皇家海军航空兵和英国陆军航空队于1918年合并而成的。
- They lived there as a young couple while Prince Philip was stationed on the island as a royal naval officer. 菲利普亲王当年作为英国皇家海军军官驻扎在马耳他时,这对年轻夫妇生活在那里。
- Community work and after-care units of psychiatric hospitals offer community psychiatric nursing service and domiciliary occupational therapy service to discharged patients. 精神科医院的社区工作和出院辅导组,为出院病人提供精神科社康护理服务和家居职业治疗服务。
- These images won Petty Officer Air Photographer Sean Clee the prestigious Royal Naval Photographer of the Year Award. 这幅照片记录了英国部队在挪威的战术训练。
- The newly-weds shared a romantic moment aboard a boat on the Thames en route to the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. 这对新婚夫妇享受了从泰晤士河到格林威治老皇家海军学院的一段浪漫之旅。
- Objective To supply more excellent, normative and effective nursing service to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. 目的为癌症化疗病人提供更优质、规范、高效的护理服务。
- Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service 皇家空军玛丽公主护理勤务
- In 1779, sailing the ramshackle Le Bonhomme Richard, Jones encountered a convoy of British merchantmen under the escort of the royal naval ship Serapis. 一七七九年,他驾残旧的博诺姆.理查号,遇到一队英国商船。
- The article chronologically outlines the nursing service management methods used since 1949.i.e. 文章纵向地介绍了建国以来我国医院采用的护理管理的方法。
- Conclusion The questionnaire of nursing service satisfaction can positively promote the effect of health education. 结论护理服务满意度调查对落实健康教育有重要的促进作用。
- Director of Women's Royal Naval Service 皇家海军妇女勤务处处长
- Chou, S.M. (1999). To explore gaps in expectation of nursing service between patients and nurses. Poster presentation in the ICN s Centennial Conference in London, England. 李天行、周守民、庄秀铃“积极转型的盛达电子实业公司”,第四届企业国际化经营管理个案研讨会,国立成功大学,台南,2001年4月。
- Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service 皇家海军医疗勤务杂志
- Conclusion The cost accounting of skin and mucosa care in laminar flow ward provided evidence for the rational price decision of nursing service. 结论全面核算层流病房皮肤黏膜护理项目成本,为医院合理制定相应的护理项目价格提供了依据。