- Royal Horse Artillery Regiment 皇家骡马炮兵团
- the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery 皇家骡马炮兵部队
- Royal Horse Artillery 皇家骡马炮兵
- An important part of any kampfgruppe was a halftrack-borne artillery observation party from the division's artillery regiment. 所有战斗群的一个重要组成部分就是师属炮兵团的半履带炮兵观测车。
- The Excalibur was the first round of this type fired by soldiers from the 25th Infantry Division's 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 11th Field Artillery Regiment. 该剑是第一轮的这类型发射的士兵来自第25步兵师的第二斯瑞克旅战斗队,第11场炮兵团。
- A lifesize model of a Swedish 1850s horse artillery team towing a light artillery piece in full gallop. 虎尊炮的射击准备时间不知道,不过这个炮的威力可实在远不比骑炮。
- The minister told them, "My dear grooms, this is a fine royal horse who loves cleanliness. 他们回答,“在我们到达之前,一匹脏野马被带来这里清洗过。”
- They followed his instructions, and the royal horse was pleased to bathe in the new place. 马夫们遵循大臣的指示,御马也高兴到新的地方洗澡。
- The fine royal horse sniffed the air.He knew right away that some filthy wild horse had bathed there and fouled the water. 这匹优秀的御马嗅着空气,他立刻明白某匹邋遢的野马被带到这里清洗过,弄脏了水。
- The artillery system can be found in the artillery regiment organic to a light (wheel-based) mechanised infantry division, with 18 vehicles organised into a mortar-howitzer battalion. 火炮系统可能成炮兵团建制在一个轻(基于-轮式)机械化炮兵师中被发现,连同18辆车辆。
- He only had two army corps-level artillery regiments attached. 他只有两个团级的炮兵团。
- He became a trooper in the Royal Tank Regiment. 他当上了皇家坦克团的装甲兵。
- Mobile command post developed by artillery regiment 某炮兵团研制野战移动指挥所
- He was a dishonor to his regiment. 他是那个团的耻辱。
- Field Artillery Regiment Section 野战炮兵团分队
- For most of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, Austria's artillery was organised into artillery regiments. 在法国大革命和拿破仑时期大部分的战争中;奥地利的炮兵是以炮兵团为基本单位组成的.
- SS Panzer Corps had four army Nebelwerfer and two army artillery regiments attached for fire support. 第1党卫队装甲军拥有4个火箭炮团和2个重炮团来进行火力支援。
- Pinpointed by British scouts, the battalion was now targeted by three artillery regiments and two battleships. 在英军的侦察兵的指引下,武装党卫队遭到了3个炮兵团和两艘战列舰的炮击。
- The couriers, riding the royal horses, raced out, spurred on by the king's command. And the edict was also issued in the citadel of Susa. 于是骑快马的驿卒被王命催促,急忙起行。谕旨也传遍书珊城。