- Holdren, the center’s director. 长期以来,因赤道地区云层较厚,成像不清一直是困扰传统光学传感器的主要问题。”
- C.Fred Bergsten, the Peterson institute’s director, said Mr. 而该研究所的一位主管说盖特纳其实另有打算。
- Dr.Leitch is a founder of TRI as well as FHE's Director of Research. 卢瑞乐奇博士是TRI创办人之一和FHE的研究部董事。
- UEFA's director of communications Mike Lee told a news conference at a Dublin hotel. 欧洲足联的联络部负责人迈克?李在都柏林一家饭店召开的新闻发布会上如是说。
- Every two years WIPO's Director General presents a Program and Budget document to Member States for approval. 世界知识产权组织总干事每两年向成员国提交一份计划和预算文件,交成员国核准。
- Zein El Din Mohamed Aly, the CTO's director, says the previous rebel boy fighters range from 14 to 18 years old. 临时难民培养中心的主任阿里说,这些前反叛分子儿童,年纪从14到18岁不等。
- FDA's director for new drugs said the votes reflect the unresolved safety questions. FDA的新药主管说投票结果反映了未解决的安全问题。
- "The library is their lifeline, " Constance B.Cooke, the Queens Borough system 's director, said. 皇后区图书馆长库克说:“图书馆是他们(市民)的生命线。
- The Wenchuan SWI's director said, we are the first batch of people especially helping the orphanage. 据汶川福利院的院长说,我们是第一批深入寻找福利院救援的队伍。
- Research is still ongoing," said Lesley Walker, Cancer Research UK's director of cancer information. 研究还在继续”。
- The event should take place this month, said Steve Myers, CERN's Director for Accelerators and Technology. 这项活动应在本月初,史蒂夫迈尔斯说,欧洲核子研究中心主任加速器和技术。
- The ICRC's director of operations described the situation in northern Sri Lanka as uniquely catastrophic . ICRC执行主任认为斯里兰卡北部的局势相当悲惨。
- Dr. Charles Ganley, FDA's director of nonprescription products, stressed that the drug is intended for use along with diet and exercise programs. 药物适宜于18岁及以上年龄段的人使用,并辅以低热量,低脂肪饮食及一定的锻炼。
- The task, admits Robert Zeigler, IRRI s director, is daunting, and will take ten years or more.But the potential is enormous. IRRI负责人罗伯特?齐格勒承认此项任务十分艰巨,将需要十年以上的时间才能完成,不过潜力是巨大的。
- The task, admits Robert Zeigler, IRRI's director, is daunting, and will take ten years or more.But the potential is enormous. IRRI担任人罗伯特?齐格勒承认此项任务十分艰巨,将需要十年以上的时间才能完成,不过潜力是巨大的。
- Lu Chuan, the film’s director, has received death threats and accusations of being a traitor and a stooge for Japanese revisionists. 影片导演陆川收到了死亡威胁,被指责是卖国贼和日本修正主义的走狗。
- Here comes Erwin Schmid, FIFA’s Director of Finance, a broad-shouldered bear of a man, who gets more disheveled as the day goes on, his shirt-tail escaping from his trousers. 最新赛况、球员转会、各地联赛、差旅行程、以及国家足协请求世界足联补助的来函、人事更迭,等等等等、不一而足。
- Linda Chatman Thomsen, the SEC's director of enforcement, said she had been “quite dismayed” at the nature of the commission's recent insider dealing actions. 汤姆森表示,她对美国证监会近期对内幕交易所采取之行动的性质“颇为不安”。
- The activities of SMO, including the design, coordination and execution of its projects are carried out by SMO's director and staff together with the help of outside experts. 它的活动,包括设计、协调和项目执行,由董事和员工在外界专家的帮助下进行。
- These reports led to our decision to highlight these risks in the drugs labeling," said Janet Woodcock, the FDA's director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. 这些报告促使我们决定更换标签突出这些风险。