- One of the Roseate Tern is ringed! 有一只被环志了的粉红燕鸥!
- Today at least 11 Roseate Tern and 3 Black-naped Tern at Tap Mun! 今日有最少11只粉红燕鸥及3只黑枕燕鸥在塔门码头!
- White-winged Tern in Non-Breeding plumage stand with the Roseate terns. 一只白翅浮鸥(非繁殖羽)站在一群粉红燕鸥中,不过一会儿就不见了!
- Roseate terns are an endangered species. They are very rare. 16小燕鸥体态娇小,常于铺满白珊瑚礁碎屑砂砾滩繁殖。
- Roseate terns have red feet and red bills. Their heads are black. These gentlemanly birds are ready to feed. 14红燕鸥脚红、嘴红,头部全黑,一副绅仕模样,叼著鱼准备喂食。
- Female roseate terns sometimes mate with each other for life, allowing themselves to be fertilised by males, but making nests and bringing up their young together. 雌性粉红燕鸥有时会与同性伴侣共度一生,她们会让雄鸟为自己授精,但却与同性伴侣共同筑巢,养育幼鸟。
- I want to complain in the strong term about the delay. 我要以最强烈的措词抗议这次耽误。
- 45AM White-winged Tern in Non-Breeding plumage stand with the Roseate terns. 一只白翅浮鸥(非繁殖羽)站在一群粉红燕鸥中,不过一会儿就不见了!
- Roseate Ternn. 红燕鸥(燕鸥科)
- Our tern be always cash In advance . 我们的条件总是预付现金。
- Ber tern opened a door marked NO ADMITTANCE. 波恩司坦打开了门,门上写着“闲人莫入”。
- TERN's balance sheet remains solid. tern的资产负债表保持著良好状态。
- Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple. 你用光荣与梦想锻造我们的意志,使我们强健如钢!
- A tern of revilement similar to s. o. B. 王八羔子
- Oh, it caught a Hong Kong flagged Bridled Tern. 季初还奇怪为何不见了香港足旗的褐翅燕鸥;但现时不用再找了....
- In April, the bridled tern returns to breed. 燕鸥的天敌除了人类以及猛禽以外,还有老鼠。
- Our school football tern is made up of 16 members. 我们的学校足球三个一组由16个成员组成。
- She also has a secret supporter who sends her roseate roses. 只是小紫并不知道,那个默默支持她的人就是甯子达。
- Few White-winged Tern (at least 2) pass Chek Keng this morning! 今早在赤径附近见到数只(最少2只)白翅浮鸥飞过!
- Where can tern families go if you land on tern islands? 你登岛之后,燕鸥一家大小可以去哪里?