- When you stand the bottles in hot water you make the air expand.The heated air takes up more room than the room temperature air and so when the heated air expands it forces the balloon to inflate. 所以当你再将瓶子放到热水中时,热水使得空气膨胀,加热的空气比室温下的空气佔据更多空间,因此当加热的空气膨胀时,气球就因此充气了。
- Appearance: dark-blue powder, stable to air at room temperature. 性状:深蓝色粉末。常温下,在空气中稳定。
- Cure: Cures at room temperature upon exposure to moisture in the air. 乾燥:依室温及与空气接触面之湿度而不同。
- You can adjust the room temperature by yourself. 您可以自己调节一下房间的温度。
- Air conditioning implement choose too smally, room temperature does not fall. 空调器选得太小,室温降不下来。
- Keep the wine at room temperature. 将酒放在室温中保存。
- Serve the wine at room temperature. 这种葡萄酒宜室温饮用。
- Store this ink at room temperature. 请存放于室温下。
- Babies prefer formula at room temperature. 婴儿比较喜欢处于室温状态的配方奶。
- Cool the solution to room temperature. 把溶液冷却到室温。
- Store bananas at room temperature until they ripen. 把香蕉于室温下放至成熟。
- Chocolate should be stored at room temperature. 巧克力可以在室温下存放。
- Ripen at room temperature and store in the regfrigerator crisper. 室温催熟,保存在冰箱的保鲜盒中。
- The coated strip goes up into cooling tower and is cooled by air blower and water to room temperature. 镀后带钢进入冷却塔,经风冷和水淬槽将其冷却到室温
- Virus activity deteriorates in plasma stored at room temperature. 在室温下储藏的血浆中病毒活动逐渐衰退。
- Theoretical results agree well with test ones and the temperature error of high temperature air is less than 6.2%. 试验结果与理论规律吻合良好;高温空气温度误差小于6.;2%25。
- The frozen vegetables should thaw out first at room temperature. 冰冻的蔬菜应首先在室温下解冻
- The numerical results agreed well with experimental data for low temperature air and helium transpiration cooling. 该模型计算结果与低温氦气、低温空气发散冷却实验结果基本吻合。
- Most of our offices recorded room temperature at or above 25.5 XC. 大部分办事处录得的温度为摄氏25.;5度或以上。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。