- The one glaring name missing is Ronny Turiaf. 只是缺少了耀眼的图里亚夫。
- Ronny Turiaf had 13 points and Luke Walton added 10 for the Lakers. 罗尼·塔里夫和卢克·沃尔顿则分别为湖人拿下13分和10分。
- Lakers Forward Ronny Turiaf suffered a moderate sprain to his left ankle in practice Thursday. 屠夫在周四的训练中,左脚踝有中度的扭伤。
- Ronny Turiaf and Luke Walton missed layups, while Wells and Chandler made theirs. 屠夫和沃顿错失了上篮,而威尔斯和钱德勒把握住了机会。
- Forward Ronny Turiaf has a sore right knee and will have an MRI exam today. . . . 前锋图里亚夫右膝有点痛痛,今天做了核磁共振成像。
- He could not put weight on his left leg and was helped off the court by Ronny Turiaf and Kwame Brown. 他不能用左腿使劲,在屠夫和布朗的搀扶下离开球场。
- Bynum could not put weight on his left leg and was helped off the court by Ronny Turiaf and Kwame Brown. 拜纳姆无法用左脚站立,只得在图里亚夫和夸梅·布朗的搀扶下离开赛场。
- Lamar Odom and Ronny Turiaf were aggressive, and Luke wasn't messing up too bad. 奥多姆和图里亚夫打得都非常积极,沃顿的表现也不错。
- Perhaps as an aside, Josh Powell, it should be noted, is (among other things) a far better rebounder than Ronny Turiaf. 边线方面,乔什-鲍威尔相对于罗尼-图里亚夫而言可能抢篮板能力更为出色。
- Bryant also did some playmaking, including a drive when he dropped the ball off to the trailing Ronny Turiaf and Turiaf dunked to bring a roar from the sellout crowd of 18,997. 科比还是有精彩的表演的,特别是他传球给图拉夫,后者跟进一个扣篮,使现场的18997名观众沸腾。
- The lionhearted Ronny Turiaf, an islander from Martinique, who three years ago was faced with open-heart surgery and a career in doubt. 图里亚夫:坚强的图里亚夫,来自拉丁美洲的马提尼克岛。过去的三年一直在被心脏开刀手术和职业前景而困扰。
- For financial reasons and because of their logjam in the frontcourt, the Lakers decided not to match the rich offer extended to Ronny Turiaf. 因为财政资金方面的原因,也因为锋线上的拥挤,湖人决定不再向罗尼图里亚夫提供昂贵的合同。
- On the bench: Lee, Chris Mihm, Brian Cook, Maurice Evans, Rose, Ronny Turiaf, Jordan Farmar, and either Brynum or Brown. 板凳球员:李,米姆,库克,埃文斯,罗斯,图利亚夫,法码尔和拜纳姆或者布朗。
- The dramatic improvement in young players Andrew Bynum, Jordan Farmar, Ronny Turiaf, Sasha Vujacic and Trevor Ariza (when he arrived in trade) sparked the newfound hope. 最大的进步来自年轻的拜纳姆和法玛尔,图里亚夫、弗贾西奇和阿里扎,他们点亮了湖人未来的希望。
- Bryant also did some playmaking, including a drive when he dropped the ball off to the trailing Ronny Turiaf and Turiaf dunked to bring a roar from the crowd. 此外,科比还扮演了控卫的角色,其中之一是突入禁区,传球给跟进的图里亚夫,图暴扣,赢得球迷一片欢呼。
- Price had to get four stitches for a cut over his right eye after he was flagrantly fouled early in the second quarter by Ronny Turiaf, who was ejected. 普莱斯在第二节被图里亚夫恶意法规,右眼被缝了4针。图里亚夫也被罚出场。
- Ronny Turiaf ended the run with a pair of free throws and a layup before Bryant ended the quarter with a fadeaway 3-pointer, sending the Lakers into the fourth with an 83-77 edge. 图里亚夫通过罚篮和上篮结束了猛龙的小高潮,而科比的转身3分则使湖人在第三节结束时仍以83:77领先进入第四节。
- At the very least, they might make Lakers fans forget Ronny Turiaf , the towel-waving symbol of a dependable second string that received Jackson's praise throughout last season. 至少,他们能让湖人的球迷们忘记屠夫,那个挥舞毛巾的标志,那个可以信赖的替补,那个上赛季一直受到杰克逊表扬的家伙。
- Ronny Turiaf, who's not really a center and is a bench player, but he's been forced to start and guard like [Erick] Dampier with Dallas who 7'1" 310 lbs. 罗尼-图里亚夫不是一名真正的中锋,而且他还是一名替补球员,但是他被推上了首发位置,并且要去防守像小牛的丹皮尔这样的七尺1寸、310磅的球员。
- Ronny Turiaf, who had started every game at power forward this season, suffered a moderate left ankle sprain during Thursday's practice and he might miss tonight's home game against Detroit. 屠夫在这个赛季都是以大前锋首发出场,在星期四训练时,他的左脚踝遭受中度的扭伤,而且他很有可能会缺席今晚与活塞的比赛。