- The Romance language of the Romanians. 罗马尼亚语罗马尼亚人讲的语言
- The Romance language of Portugal and Brazil. 葡萄牙及巴西的罗曼语
- French and Portuguese are Romance languages. 法语和葡萄牙语都是罗曼语。
- A branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family that includes Tibetan and Burmese. 藏缅语族汉藏语系的一个包括藏语和缅甸语的分支
- The Romance language of the largest part of Spain and most of Central and South America. 西班牙语大部分西班牙和中美洲和南美洲大部分使用的罗马语言
- The branch of the Indo-European language family that consists only of Greek. 希腊语族仅由希腊语组成的印欧语系的一个分支
- A subgroup of the Austronesian language family. 马来-波利尼西亚语澳洲语系中的一个次语系
- Of or constituting the Iroquoian language family. 易洛魁语系的属于或构成易洛魁语系的
- The Romance language of the Italians and an official language of Switzerland. 意大利意大利的罗马语和瑞士的一种官方语言
- Modern Italian, Modern Romance languages. 现代意大利语,现代罗曼语系
- Mr. Jones professes Romance languages. 琼斯先生教授罗曼斯语。
- The Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by France. 法国和法国的殖民国家所说的浪漫文学语言。
- A North American Indian language family of Washington and Oregon. 奇努克语组分布在华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的一个北美洲印第安人语组
- French is a Romance language. 法语是罗曼语。
- A branch of the Niger-Congo language family, spoken in the upper Niger River valley. 曼丁哥语尼日尔刚果语族中的一支,尼日尔河上游河谷地区的人说此语
- French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese are Romance languages. 法语,意大利语,西班牙语和葡萄牙语是拉丁系语言。
- A language family widely spread throughout the Amazon River valley, coastal Brazil, and northeast South America. 图皮-瓜拉尼语族一种广泛散布于亚马孙河河谷、巴西沿岸地区和南美洲东北部的一个语族
- A language family that includes Indo-European and Anatolian. 印度-赫梯语系包括印欧语系和安纳托利亚语在内的一个语系
- The Romance language is the modern descendants of Latin,the language of the Roman Empire. 罗曼语族是从罗马帝国的语言拉丁语中派生出来的近代语言。
- The Romance language spoken especially in Catalonia,the Balearic Islands,Andorra,and the Roussillon region of France. 加泰隆尼亚语在加泰隆尼亚、布勒瑞克群岛、安多拉和法国的罗萨林地区讲的罗曼语。